
- A1 - 664 - T-Mobile - 676 - Orange Austria - 699 - Provider - Network - Code - 650 - 680 - 681 - 68183 - 688 - 6991599 - 6998 - Service - Code - free services - 802 - dial-up / ISP - 804 - personal services - 710 - premium rate - 901 - services with regulated max. tariffs - 820



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Austria Country Code is: - AT / AUT / +43
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Telephone numbers in Austria

There are no standard lengths for either area codes or subscribers' numbers in Austria, meaning that some subscribers' numbers may be as short as three digits. Larger towns have shorter area codes permitting longer subscriber numbers in that area. Some examples:

00 International call prefix
112 general emergency call
118xxx directory assistance services
122 fire
133 police
140 mountain rescue
144 medical emergency
147 telephone counseling for children (Rat auf Draht)
15xx generic information services (time, ...)
01 Wien/Vienna
0316 Graz
0463 Klagenfurt
050x virtual private network (VPN)
0512 Innsbruck
0662 Salzburg
0650 cell phones (Telering)
0660 cell phones (Drei)
0664 cell phones (A1)
0676 cell phones (T-Mobile)
0680 cell phones (BoB)
0681 cell phones (Yesss)
0688 cell phones (Tele2)
0699 cell phones (Orange Austria / Yesss)
0718 internet dial-up numbers
0720 location independent landline numbers
0732 Linz
0780 convergent services with ENUM (VoIP)
0800 national free call
00800 international free call
0804 internet dial-up numbers
08xx service numbers
09xx premium rate
The number-assignment of the cell phones can vary, due to number portability.

Yesss and Tele2 are using the network-infrastructure of Orange. Yesss is a discount-offer of Orange.
BoB is a discount-offer of A1 and therefore uses its network-infrastructure.
Since 2006 Telering is fully owned by and integrated into T-Mobile and therefore uses its network-infrastructure.
Mobile Phone codes
In ascending numeric order

Mobile Providers with own Networks
Provider - Code
Drei - 660
Mobile Providers without own Networks
Telering 1 and Schwarzfunk 2 - T-Mobile
BoB 2 - A1
Yesss 2 - Orange Austria
Eety 2 - Orange Austria
Tele2 - Orange Austria
eTel - Orange Austria
Yesss 2 - Orange Austria
1 Telering was bought by T-Mobile in 2005. As of 2006, Telering uses the network-infrastructure of T-Mobile. As a special requirement of the European commission, many of the former transmitters and frequencies previously operated by Telering were given to Orange and Drei.
2 BoB is a discount service of A1, Yesss and Eety is a discount service of Orange. Schwarzfunk is a discount service of T-Mobile.

Due to number portability, the code is not a safe way to evaluate the provider of a phone number. The providers assign only in exceptional cases (special sort of custom numbers, more expensive) non-existing numbers with a different prefix, and this is handled similar as porting an existing number from the desired network. However, the providers still have the administrative sovereignty over their own prefix.

[ Special / Service codes
Special Services
call-by-call providers - 10
public (emergency) services - 1xx
phone breakdown advice - 111
generic emergency service - 112
directory service - 118
car breakdown assistance (ÖAMTC) - 120
fire department (emergency) - 122
car breakdown assistance (ARBÖ) - 123
police (emergency) - 133
mountain rescue - 140
ambulance (emergency) - 144
telephone counseling for children (Rat auf Draht) - 147
public services - 1xxx
current time - 1503
premium rate dialers - 939
telekom austria premium rate services - 711
numbers for convergent services - 780
virtual private network (VPN) - 50x
[ References
Austrian Numbering Plan - Telekommunikation Nummerierung Nationale Nummern nationale Rufnummern E129
General information and references Telephone numbers in_Austria General information and references
Communications in Austria
Telephone Numbers in Europe

A1 Telekom

Company : A1 Telekom
Website :  A1 Telekom

Phone : (+43) 800 664100 / 0900664900
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Explore A1 Telekom's Telecommunications Solutions in Austria

With A1 Telekom Austria, experience excellence in telecommunications. We offer mobile phone services, high-speed internet, and more, backed by a robust network throughout Austria. A1 Telekom Austria is a leading telecommunications company, playing a crucial role in connecting Austria to the world. With a rich history and a commitment to innovation, A1 Telekom Austria has become a household name in the country, offering a wide range of services to its customers.

Core Services:

A1 Telekom Austria offers a comprehensive suite of services, including mobile and fixed-line telephony, high-speed internet, and television services. Their commitment to providing a seamless and robust network ensures that customers can stay connected at all times.

Network Infrastructure:

The company has invested heavily in its network infrastructure, making it one of the most extensive and reliable in Austria. Their network coverage extends to urban areas, remote regions, and even Alpine landscapes, ensuring that connectivity is never compromised.

Technological Advancements:

A1 Telekom Austria is at the forefront of technological advancements. They have been instrumental in the deployment of 5G networks, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections. This innovation is paving the way for smart cities, IoT, and a host of other applications.

Customer-Centric Approach:

The company places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. They offer personalized service packages, responsive customer support, and transparent pricing to ensure that their customers receive the best value for their money.

A1 Telekom Austria has been a driving force behind Austria's digital transformation. With a rich history, a commitment to technological advancement, and a strong focus on customer satisfaction, they continue to be a leading provider of telecommunications services, connecting Austria to the world.

Plans :

  • A1 Let's go! M:Unlimited calls, SMS and data in Austria, 20 GB data in the EU and US/Canada for €34.99/month.

  • A1 Let's go! L:Unlimited calls, SMS and data in Austria, 25GB data in EU and US/Canada for €44.99/month.

  • A1 Let's go! XL:Unlimited calls, SMS and data in Austria, 30 GB data in the EU and US/Canada for €54.99/month.

  • A1 Free Stream: Unlimited calls, SMS and data in Austria, streaming video, music and games without data limits, for €69.99/month.

  • A1 NOW Entertainment: Subscription to a lot of TV channels for €9.90/month.

  • A1 NOW Premium: Subscription to a greater range of TV channels for €14.90/month.

Prepaid :

  • A1 Free L Prepaid: Unlimited telephone and SMS in Österreich, 30 Tage Gültigkeit, 8 GB Highspeed-Data volume, Price €9.90.

  • A1 Free M Prepaid: Unlimited telephone calls and SMS in Österreich, 30 Tage Gültigkeit, 4 GB Highspeed-Data volume, Price €7.90.

  • A1 Free S Prepaid: Unlimited telephone and SMS in Österreich, 30 Tage Gültigkeit, 1.5 GB mobiles Datenvolumen mit Highspeed, Price €4.90.

  • A1 The! Smartphone: Unbegrenzt telefonieren in Österreich, 30 Tage Gültigkeit, 3 GB Highspeed-Data volume, Price €10.

  • A1 The! Daten: 30 Tage Gültigkeit, 80 GB mobile Daten mit Highspeed, Price €29.90.

Magenta Telekom

Company : Magenta Telekom
Website :  Magenta Telekom

Phone : (+43) 676 2000 / 0800 676 300
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Magenta Telekom: Your Telecom Partner in Austria

Magenta Telekom is synonymous with innovation in the world of telecommunications. We provide a wide range of services, from mobile and landline phone to internet solutions, with a constant focus on quality and customer satisfaction. Magenta Telekom is a dynamic and innovative telecommunications company that has played a significant role in Austria's journey towards digital excellence. With a strong commitment to providing high-quality services, Magenta Telekom has earned its place as a trusted name in the Austrian telecommunications industry.

History and Background:

Magenta Telekom has a rich history that spans several decades. It has continually evolved to keep pace with the ever-changing technological landscape, making it a prominent figure in Austria's telecommunications sector.

Core Services:

Magenta Telekom offers a wide range of services, including mobile and fixed-line telephony, high-speed internet, and television services. Their diverse portfolio caters to the diverse needs of both individual consumers and businesses.

Network Infrastructure:

One of Magenta Telekom's strengths lies in its extensive and reliable network infrastructure. They have invested significantly in building a robust network that covers urban areas, rural regions, and even challenging terrains. This ensures that customers can enjoy seamless connectivity across the country.

Technological Innovations:

Magenta Telekom is at the forefront of technological innovation. They have been instrumental in rolling out advanced 5G networks, ushering in an era of faster data speeds, low latency, and enabling emerging technologies like IoT, smart cities, and more.

Customer-Centric Approach:

A key differentiator for Magenta Telekom is its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. They offer tailor-made service packages, responsive customer support, and transparent pricing, ensuring that customers receive the best value for their investments.

Magenta Telekom continues to be a driving force in Austria's digital transformation. With a rich history, an eye on technological advancements, and a strong focus on customer-centricity, they are well-positioned to lead Austria into a digitally connected future. Magenta Telekom is more than just a telecommunications provider; it's a key partner in Austria's digital journey.

Plans :

  • Mobile Sim Only S: €15 per month, 30 GB of Internet (15 GB in Austria and the EU), no obligation.

  • Mobile Sim Only M: €20 per month, 40 GB of Internet (20 GB in Austria and the EU), no obligation.

  • Mobile Sim Only Unlimited Gold: €35 per month, unlimited calls and SMS, unlimited Internet (including 45 GB in Austria and the EU), no obligation, 5G compatible.

Prepaid :

  • Mobile Sim Only S: €15 for Monat, 30 GB Internet (15 GB in Österreich and the EU), unverbindlich.

  • Mobile Sim Only M: €20 for Monat, 40 GB Internet (20 GB in Österreich and the EU), unverbindlich.

  • Mobile Sim Only Unlimited Gold: €35 for Monat, unlimited Anrufe and SMS, unlimited Internet (including 45 GB in Österreich und der EU), unverbindlich, 5G-compatible.

  • Klax Basic Mobiles Internet:

    • Preis: €0.02/MB,

    • Geschwindigkeit: 10 Mbit/s Download and 2 Mbit/s Upload

    • Anschaffungskosten: €10 für das Starterpaket


Company : Drei
Website :  Drei

Phone : (+43) 660 303030 / 0800 30 30 30
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Drei Austria: Your Gateway to Boundless Connectivity

Drei is your choice for unlimited connectivity in Austria. We offer mobile and landline phone services and access to a high-speed network. Explore a limitless world with Drei. Drei Austria, also known as Hutchison Drei Austria, is a leading telecommunications company dedicated to connecting Austria with the future. With a strong focus on innovation and customer-centric services, Drei has become a pivotal player in Austria's telecommunications landscape.

History and Background:

Drei Austria has a compelling history of providing cutting-edge telecommunication services. Established as one of the pioneers of 3G technology, Drei has consistently adapted to changing technologies and market demands.

Core Services:

Drei offers a comprehensive range of telecommunications services, including mobile and fixed-line connectivity, broadband internet, and digital TV. These services are tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses alike.

Network Infrastructure:

One of Drei's standout attributes is its extensive and resilient network infrastructure. They have invested significantly in creating a robust network that spans urban centers, rural areas, and challenging terrains, ensuring that connectivity is available to all corners of Austria.

Technological Prowess:

Drei Austria is renowned for its commitment to technological innovation. They have been at the forefront of deploying advanced 5G networks, delivering high-speed data, low latency, and enabling transformative technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities.

Customer-Centric Philosophy:

Drei's success story is anchored in its dedication to customer satisfaction. They offer personalized service plans, responsive customer support, and transparent pricing to guarantee that customers receive exceptional value and quality services.

Drei Austria is driving Austria's digital future forward. With a history steeped in innovation, an unwavering focus on technological advancement, and a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, Drei is perfectly positioned to guide Austria into a future of seamless connectivity. Drei Austria is not merely a telecommunications provider; it is an essential partner in Austria's technological journey.

Plans :

  • Unlimited S: Unlimited calls and SMS within Austria and other EU countries. Unlimited internet within Austria (5G network if available). 24 GB data volume (50 Mbit/s down, 20 Mbit/s up). 30 minutes of calls from Austria to the EU. 30 minutes of calls from Austria to Switzerland, Turkey, USA and Great Britain. Monthly cost of €24.90.

  • Unlimited M: Unlimited calls and SMS within Austria and other EU countries. Unlimited internet within Austria (5G network if available). 33 GB data volume (80 Mbit/s download, 20 Mbit/s upload). 120 minutes of calls from Austria to the EU. 120 minutes of calls from Austria to Switzerland, Turkey, USA and Great Britain. 250 MB data volume in Switzerland, Turkey, USA, Great Britain, Bosnia and Serbia. Monthly expenses of €34.90.

  • Unlimited L: Unlimited calls and SMS within Austria and other EU countries. Unlimited internet within Austria (5G network if available). Data volume of 42 GB (150 Mbit/s download, 50 Mbit/s upload). 200 minutes of calls from Austria to the EU. 200 minutes of calls from Austria to Switzerland, Turkey, USA and Great Britain. 500 MB data volume to Switzerland, Turkey and the USA. Monthly costs of €44.90.

  • Unlimited XL: Unlimited calls and SMS within Austria and other EU countries. Unlimited internet within Austria (5G network if available). Data volume of 49 GB (300 Mbit/s download, 100 Mbit/s upload). 300 minutes of calls from Austria to the EU. 300 minutes of calls from Austria to Switzerland, Turkey, USA and UK. 1 GB data volume in Switzerland, Turkey, USA, UK, Bosnia and Serbia. Monthly expenses of €52.90.

  • Unlimited XXL: Unlimited calls and SMS within Austria and other EU countries. Unlimited internet within Austria (5G network if available). 59 GB data volume (500 Mbit/s down, 100 Mbit/s up). 700 minutes of calls from Austria to the EU. 700 minutes of calls from Austria to Switzerland, Turkey, USA and UK. 1.5 GB of data in Switzerland, Turkey, USA, UK, Bosnia and Serbia. Monthly expenses of €62.90.


Company : HoT
Website :  HoT

Phone : (+43) 677 6001 6770 / 0800 700 677
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Youtube

HoT Austria: Your Smart Choice for Affordable Telecommunications

HoT is synonymous with affordability without compromising quality. Discover our mobile phone and data services with smart offers tailored to your needs. HoT Austria, or simply "HoT," is a prominent telecommunications provider that has emerged as a preferred choice for savvy consumers in Austria. Recognized for its affordability and quality services, HoT has firmly established itself in the Austrian telecommunications market.

A Brief Overview:

HoT, or "House of Telecommunications," offers a diverse range of telecommunication services to cater to the ever-evolving needs of the Austrian public. As a virtual network operator, HoT relies on a robust infrastructure and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

Service Offerings:

HoT is known for its straightforward and transparent service offerings. They provide a spectrum of prepaid and postpaid mobile plans that include voice, text, and data services. Additionally, HoT offers competitive data packages for mobile internet users.

Network and Infrastructure:

HoT leverages a well-established network infrastructure, ensuring reliable connectivity across Austria. Their dedication to maintaining high service quality is evident through their constant investment in network expansion and technology upgrades.

Affordability and Value:

A key differentiator for HoT is its commitment to affordability. They have successfully struck a balance between competitive pricing and high service quality. This focus on value for money has made HoT a top choice among cost-conscious consumers.

Customer-Centric Approach:

HoT places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. They offer user-friendly plans, efficient customer support, and clear pricing structures. This customer-centric approach has contributed significantly to their popularity.

HoT Austria has won the hearts of Austrian consumers through its combination of affordability, quality services, and a dedication to customer happiness. As a formidable player in the telecommunications market, HoT continues to be a go-to choice for those who appreciate straightforward plans, competitive pricing, and dependable network coverage. HoT is not just a telecommunications provider; it's a smart choice for the Austrian populace.

Plans :

  • HoT fix social: Offers 1,000 minutes or SMS and 30,000 MB of LTE data with speeds of up to 150 Mbit/s.

  • Super Affaire: Offers 1,000 SMS minutes and 40,000 MB of LTE data with speeds up to 150 Mbit/s.

  • Pour les Debutants: Offers 7,000 MB of LTE data. Calls and texts cost 3.9 cents per minute/text with speeds up to 150 Mbit/s.

  • Mini-cout repairs: Offers 500 MB of LTE data and calls and SMS cost 3.9 cents per minute/SMS for use in Austria only.

  • Pour votre maison intelligent: Offers an LTE data volume of 10,000 MB per year. Calls and SMS cost 3.9 cents per minute/SMS in Austria only.

  • Surf illimité: Offers unlimited LTE data volume with speeds up to 40 Mbit/s for use only in Austria.

Prepaid : HoT flex plan: base rate with no fixed costs. It offers calls and texts at 3.9 cents per minute or SMS, as well as mobile internet access at 0.9 cents per MB LTE with speeds of up to 50 Mbit/s.


Company : Lycamobile
Website :  Lycamobile

Phone : 0123008322 / 322 / +43 68864001322
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Lycamobile Austria: International Communication Without Borders

Lycamobile connects you with the world. We offer competitive rates for international calls and high-quality mobile phone services in Austria. Connect without borders with Lycamobile. Lycamobile, a globally recognized mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), has made its mark in Austria. With a strong commitment to providing affordable mobile services to diverse communities, Lycamobile has become a household name.

A Brief Overview:

Lycamobile offers a wide array of telecommunications services tailored to the unique needs of Austria's multicultural society. The company prides itself on delivering international calling and data services at competitive rates.

Service Offerings:

Lycamobile's services are designed to connect people worldwide. They offer a variety of prepaid mobile plans that include international calling, text messaging, and data services. Lycamobile is particularly popular among Austria's international community, given its focus on affordable international connectivity.

Network and Infrastructure:

Lycamobile collaborates with established network partners to ensure a robust and reliable mobile network. With a commitment to constant improvement, they provide seamless connectivity throughout Austria.

Affordability and Value:

A significant appeal of Lycamobile is its cost-effective approach to international calling and data. Their competitive pricing ensures that customers get the best value for their money. This affordability has made Lycamobile a preferred choice for staying connected with loved ones abroad.

Customer-Centric Approach:

Lycamobile's customer-centric philosophy shines through in their offerings. They understand the importance of international connections and strive to meet the unique needs of their diverse customer base. With easy-to-understand plans and multilingual customer support, Lycamobile stands out.

Lycamobile Austria stands as a testament to the power of connectivity in an increasingly globalized world. By offering affordable international services and a customer-focused approach, they have built a loyal customer base that values staying connected across borders. Lycamobile is not just a mobile network; it's a bridge that brings people together, regardless of where they are in the world.

Plans :

  • Smart S: 500 min / SMS + 20 GB of data for €10 per month.

  • Smart M: 1000 min / SMS + 30 GB of data for €15 per month.

  • Smart L: Unlimited calls / SMS + 50 GB of data for €20 per month.

  • Smart XL: Unlimited calls / SMS + 100 GB of data for €25 per month.

Prepaid :

  • S: For €5 per month, enjoy 1,000 minutes of national and international calls and SMS, as well as 1.5 GB of high-speed mobile data, valid for 30 days. li>
  • M: For €10 per month, get 2,000 minutes of national and international calls and SMS, along with 5 GB of high-speed mobile data, valid for 30 days.

  • L: For €15 per month, enjoy 3,000 minutes of national and international calls and SMS, plus 10 GB of high-speed mobile data, valid for 30 days.

  • XL: For €20 per month, get 5,000 minutes of national and international calls and SMS, along with 20 GB of high-speed mobile data, valid for 30 days.


Company : Spusu
Website :  Spusu

Phone : 0670 670 1000 / WhatsApp Chat: 0670 670 1000
Social Networks Facebook Instagram Youtube

Spusu Austria: Innovation in Telecommunications

Spusu leads the way in telecommunications innovation in Austria. Our high-speed network and personalized solutions will meet all your communication needs. Spusu, the innovative mobile network operator, has carved its niche in the Austrian telecommunications landscape. As a disruptor in the industry, Spusu challenges the status quo with its unique approach and customer-centric services.

A Modern Approach:

Spusu's mission is clear - to provide modern, no-frills mobile services to its customers. They do this with a refreshingly transparent and straightforward approach that sets them apart from traditional carriers.

Service Offerings:

Spusu offers a variety of mobile plans, ranging from data-only packages to full-service mobile solutions. They cater to both individual users and businesses, making sure there's something for everyone. Their prepaid options provide flexibility and control over spending, a feature highly appreciated by their customer base.

Network and Infrastructure:

Spusu relies on a robust network infrastructure to ensure a reliable and high-quality service. Partnering with one of Austria's leading mobile network providers, they guarantee that their customers enjoy seamless connectivity across the country.

Competitive Pricing:

Spusu has made a name for itself with its competitive pricing. Their commitment to affordability has garnered the attention of cost-conscious consumers looking for value without compromising on quality.

Customer Empowerment:

One of Spusu's key strengths is putting customers in control. Their self-service portal allows users to manage their accounts and adjust services to suit their needs. This empowerment fosters a strong sense of customer loyalty.

Innovation and Sustainability:

Spusu places a strong emphasis on innovation and sustainability. Their commitment to environmentally friendly practices resonates with eco-conscious consumers who want their mobile provider to share their values.

Spusu Austria represents the winds of change in the Austrian telecommunications industry. With a modern approach, competitive pricing, and a commitment to customer empowerment and sustainability, Spusu has disrupted the traditional telecom landscape and earned its place as a provider of choice for a new generation of consumers.

Plans :

  • Spusu 1,200: 1 GB, 100 minutes and 100 SMS for €3.90 per month.

  • Spusu 4000: 3 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €5.80 per month.

  • Spusu 7000: 6 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €6.80 per month.

  • Spusu 9000: 8 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €7.90 per month.

  • Spusu 11,000: 10 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €8.30 per month.

  • Legendary Spasu: 50 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €9.90 per month.

  • Spusu 51,000: 50 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €16.90 per month.

  • Spusu 101,000: 100 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €32.90 per month.

  • Spusu 5G L: Unlimited plan for €33.00 per month.

  • Spusu 5G XL: Unlimited plan for €43.00 per month.

  • Spusu 5G XXL: Unlimited plan for €65.00 per month.

Prepaid :

  • Spusu 5 Jahrestarif: 5 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €79.00 per year.

  • Spusu 5 Festpreis pro Jahr: 5 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €79.00 per year.

  • Spusu Jahrestarif 10: 10 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €89.00 per year.

  • Spusu 10 Festpreis pro Jahr: 10 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €89.00 per year.

  • Spusu Jahrestarif 15: 15 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €94.00 per year.

  • Spusu 15 Festpreis pro Jahr: 15 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €94.00 per year.

  • Spusu Jahrestarif 20: 20 GB, 500 minutes and 500 SMS for €99.00 per year.


Company : Yesss
Website :

Phone : (+43) 681 810 810
Social Networks Facebook

Yesss Austria: Your Simplified Communications

Yesss makes communication straightforward. We provide mobile phone and data services with attractive rates. Discover a simpler way to stay connected in Austria. Yesss is a renowned telecommunications company in Austria, offering a wide range of mobile services to connect people across the country. With a focus on quality, affordability, and innovation, Yesss has become a leading player in the Austrian telecom market.

About Yesss:

Yesss Austria is a brand owned by A1 Telekom Austria Group, one of the country's largest and most influential telecommunications providers. Yesss operates as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) and has gained a reputation for its competitive offerings.

Service Offerings:

Yesss offers a diverse array of services, including prepaid and postpaid mobile plans. Whether you need a simple pay-as-you-go plan or a comprehensive postpaid package, Yesss has something to suit every user's needs.

Network Coverage:

One of Yesss's significant advantages is its extensive network coverage. The company leverages A1's extensive infrastructure to provide reliable and high-quality mobile services to urban and rural areas alike.

Value for Money:

Yesss is well-known for its competitive pricing, ensuring that users get the best value for their money. Whether you're making local calls, sending text messages, or using data, Yesss offers cost-effective options.

Internet Services:

In the digital age, fast and reliable internet is crucial. Yesss delivers on this front, offering various data packages and high-speed internet services, ensuring customers can stay connected wherever they go.

Customer Focus:

Yesss places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. Their customer service team is readily available to address inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and provide the support users require.

Staying Innovative:

To keep up with evolving technology and user preferences, Yesss continually introduces new features and plans. This commitment to innovation ensures that Yesss remains a top choice among Austrian consumers.

Getting Connected:

Whether you're a local resident, a traveler, or a business looking for reliable mobile services, Yesss is a brand worth considering in Austria. Explore their website or visit their stores to find the plan that best suits your needs.

Plans :

  • Complete XL: 55 GB, 150 MBit/s and 1500 min/SMS for €14.99/month or €164.89/year. Offer valid until 05/14/23 that allows a maximum monthly use of 165 GB through data portability.

  • Complete L: 50 GB, 100 MBit/s and 2000 min/SMS for €9.99/month or €109.89/year. Offer valid until 05/14/23 that allows a maximum monthly use of 150 GB through data portability.

  • Austria: 10 GB in Austria per month, 1000 min/SMS and LTE up to 50 Mbit/s for €8.49/month. Offer with a free month of online protection.

Prepaid :

  • 1-month free trial offer: Protection against harmful websites for €1.99 per month after the 1-month free trial period.

  • Weekend Offer: Unlimited weekend data for €3.99 every weekend.

  • Unlimited night browsing offer: Unlimited night browsing for €2.99 per night.

  • 9 GB of additional data: Additional high speed of 9 GB for €9.99 per month with automatic renewal.

  • 5 GB of extra fast data: €5.99 per month with automatic renewal.

  • 1 GB of additional data: €4.00 per month with automatic renewal.


Company : RTR
Website :  RTR

Phone : 58058-0
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Telecommunications Regulator: RTR Austria

Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH (RTR), often referred to as simply RTR, plays a pivotal role in regulating and overseeing the telecommunications landscape in Austria. As the national regulatory authority, RTR ensures that the Austrian telecommunications sector operates fairly, efficiently, and in the best interests of consumers.

RTR's Role and Responsibilities:

RTR's primary mission is to create a level playing field in Austria's telecommunications sector. This includes regulating market competition, managing scarce resources like radio frequencies, and enforcing compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Market Oversight:

RTR closely monitors the telecommunications market to prevent anti-competitive behavior and to ensure that consumers have access to a wide range of services and providers. By promoting competition, they aim to keep prices fair and encourage service innovation.

Frequency Management:

RTR is responsible for the allocation of frequencies for radio and telecommunications services. This vital role helps prevent interference between different services and ensures efficient use of the spectrum.

Consumer Protection:

One of RTR's key priorities is safeguarding the interests of telecommunications consumers. They handle consumer complaints, enforce quality standards for services, and ensure that service providers deliver on their promises.

Media Regulation:

In addition to telecommunications, RTR also regulates the Austrian media landscape, ensuring that the media operates independently and adheres to high ethical and professional standards.

International Collaboration:

RTR actively participates in international forums and cooperates with regulatory authorities in other countries. This collaboration is essential in a globally connected telecommunications world.

Rundfunk und Telekom Regulierungs-GmbH, as Austria's national regulatory authority for telecommunications, is a key player in shaping the country's telecommunications landscape. Through market oversight, frequency management, consumer protection, and international collaboration, RTR ensures that Austria's telecom sector remains competitive and innovative while prioritizing the interests of consumers.

Phones in Austria

Phones in Austria . (43) Find the best mobile phone companies in Austria. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. AT List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Austria : Burgenland, Karnten, Niederosterreich, Oberosterreich, Salzburg, Steiermark, Tirol, Vorarlberg, Wien

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Austria :

A1 Telekom

Magenta Telekom







What is the best mobile phone company in Austria?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Austria.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Austria offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Austria 43 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
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43 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. AUT
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iso2 : AT
iso3 : AUT
Country : Austria
Lat : 47.5162
Long : 14.5501
Population : 9006400
Latitude: 47.5162, Longitude: 14.5501, ISO: Austria (AT) - Population : 9006400

ISO-Numeric : 040
Country : Austria
Capital : Vienna
Area km2 : 83858
Population : 8847037
Continent : EU
Internet : .at
Currency Code : EUR
Currency Name : Euro
Phone : 43
Postal Code Format : ####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{4})$
Languages : de-AT,hr,hu,sl
Geo : 2782113
Neighbours countries : CH,DE,HU,SK,CZ,IT,SI,LI
Phones in Austria
- Where to find Phones in Austria? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Austria
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
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Mobile Phones
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Austria Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Austria
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- How to call to Austria? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Austria
to find phone numbers in Austria. Where to find people in Austria? How can I find people in Austria? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Austria. Where to search Phones in Austria?
can I find a phone number in Austria ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
Maps of Austria - Location and Map of Austria. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones in Austria - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Austria. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
Europe Austria 2025
Austria sticks to Euro Sky Shield under moderate coalition government Defense News
Austrian Parties Reach Deal to Form Government Without Far Right The New York Times
Austrian centrists agree government deal sidelining far right
A Romantic Interlude In Austria: Experiencing Love And Frenzy In The Heart Of Europe TRAVEL + LEISURE INDIA