Yellow Pages Europe | |
Yellow Pages of Europe- Find a person and phone numbers | |
Europe Yellow Pages - Find a person in the phone book. Search phone number in the reverse lookup. Free online directory by categories. | |
Search phone numbers in the Yellow Pages of Europe - Phone book and reverse lookup. Find a phone number and address by city or category. | |
Find People and Business in the Yellow Pages in European Phone Books | |
United Kingdom / England - UK Yellow Pages - Multinational with phone books in the United Kingdom and other countries from Europe | |
Spain - Páginas Amarillas Españolas Guia de teléfonos, nombres y direcciones, guía comercial clasificada por rubros | |
France - Les Pages Jaunes | |
Italy - Págine Gialle Italianas | |
Albania - Albanian Yellow Pages | |
Germany - Yellow Pages in Germany Gelbe Seiten | |
Germany - Suchen | |
Andorra - La Guia - Pagines Grogues - Phone search in Andorra | |
Austria - Herold Gelbe Seiten | |
Belgium - Golden Pages | |
Bielorusia - B2B | |
Bosnia and Hercegovina - BH Telecom | |
Bulgaria - CIT | |
Croatia - Hrvatske Poslovne Stranice Croat | |
Cyprus- Cyprus Yellow Pages Cyprus | |
Denmark - De Gule Sider Danesas | |
Slovaquia - Slovak Yellow Pages Slovenia - Yellow Pages Estonia - ICE Business Directory | |
Finland - Keltaiset Sivut | |
Gibraltar - Gibraltar Yellow Pages Greece - Hellas Yellow Pages Griegas | |
Netherlands - Gouden Gids | |
Hungary - Yellow Pages Hungarian | |
Irland - Irish Internet Yellow Pages Island - Gulalinan | |
Letonia - Latvian Internet Yellow Pages Liechtenstein - Direcotries | |
Lithuania - Yellow Pages Lituanas | |
Luxemburg - Luxemburg Directories On-Line | |
Macedonia - Yellow Pages Malta - Yellow Pages Malta | |
Monaco - Monaco Yellow Pages Norway - Noruega - Euro Calls Gulle Sider | |
Poland - Yellow Pages Portugal - Páginas Amarelas Portuguesas | |
República Checa - Zlatestranky - Páginas de Checoslovaquia | |
República de Moldavia - Yellow Pages of Moldova | |
Rumania - Romanian Yellow Pages Rumanas | |
Rusia - Yell Rusas | |
Serbia - Yuyellow Serbias | |
San Marino - PagineGialle | |
Suecia - GulaSidorna | |
Swiss - The yellow Pages | |
Turkey - Turkey Yellow Pages | |
Ucrania - Ukrainet Yellow Pages
Alemania | |
| |
Das Telefonbuch | |
Gelbe Seiten Alemania | |
EBB Alemania | |
11880 Alemania | |
Businessdeutschland -
Albania | |
Andorra | |
STA Pagines Grogues | |
STA Pagines Blanques
Armenia | | | |
YellowPages | |
Armenian YP - | |
Spyur AM Armenia Yellow Pages by category
Austria | |
ETB | |
Gelbe Seiten
Bélgica | |
Pages blanches - | |
Golden Pages - | |
Páginas amarillas (Pages d'or) -
Belarús | |
Business Belarus | |
- Bosnia Herzegovina | |
Bh Telecom | |
Bulgaria | | (cyrillic/ingles) | | | |
Bulgaria Directory | |
Croatia - | |
moj HThinet | |
Hrvatski Telekom | |
Dinamarca | |
De Gule Sider | |
TeleDanmark | | | | | |
- Eslovaquia - | |
- Slovak Telephone directory | |
- Eslovenia | |
- Telekom Slovenije
España, Barcelona, Tarragona - | |
Páginas Amarillas | |
Páginas Blancas | |
- Estónia | |
Info Atlas | |
Eesti Ettevõtted | |
Feroe-Islas - (DK) - | |
Iles Feroe Telefonbókin Nummar | |
Iles Feroe Páginas Amarillas - | | | |
Keltaiset Sivut - Finlandia | |
Númeronetti - Finlandia | |
Páginas Amarillas Gibraltar - Gibraltar | |
XO Hellenic TO Yellow Pages - Grecia | |
HTO White Pages - Grecia | |
- Tele Greenland - Groenlandia | |
Matav - Hungría | |
Yellow pages - Hungría | | - Italia | | - Italia | |
Eircom - Irlanda | |
Islandia | |
Gulalinan | |
Simaskra | |
Inglaterra | | - | |
Scoot UK | |
BT | | | |
Islas anglo-normandas (except ú an Guernesey) | |
- GT Online | |
Kontakti - Letonia | |
Liechtenstein | |
Pages Jaunes - | |
Pages Blanches
| |
Lintel - Lituania | |
Lietuvos Kataloga - Lituania | |
Editus - Luxemburgo | |
- Macedonia | |
Macedonian White Pages | |
Yellow Pages Macedonia | |
Noruega | |
Telefonkatalogen | |
Gule Sider - | |
Países Bajos | |
De Telefoongids - | |
Nationale Telefoongids | |
Dutch Yellow pages | |
PKT - Polonia | |
TP Ditel - Polonia
| |
Páginas Amarelas - Portugal | |
Páginas blancas 118 - Portugal | |
Reino Unido Gran Bretaña (Inglaterra, Escocia, Irlanda, Gales) | | - | |
Scoot UK | |
BT | | | |
Pages Amarillas-Blancas - Romania | |
Suecia | |
Gula Sidorna - - | |
Bizbook | |
Privatpersoner Gula Sidorna | |
Pages Jaunes - Swiss | |
Pages Blanches - Swiss | |
Turkey Yellow Pages | |
Türkiye Telefon Páginas Blancas - Turkey | |
Telekom SRBIJA - Yugoslavia | |
SBD (Serbian Business Directory) | |
Yellow Pages Europe Phones | |
Yellow Pages Europe Find phone numbers in the Yellow Pages Europe - Search information from companies, businesses and professional services. Find people by name, phone number, city or address. | |
Yellow Pages Europe Phones :
| |
Yellow Pages EuropeYellow Pages in Europe is a free phone book to find phone numbers, addresses, people, business and professional services by categories. The yellow pages is a commercial guide that includes information about phone services, addresses, telephone number, location maps, internet, local classified ads, apps, email address and aditional data. Phones Reverse Lookup in Europe. Search cell phones and mobile phone companies by city. You can use the yellow pages to locate products and services in your area. Search by the name of the service, person or company. Reverse lookup : search by area code or phone number. | |
Find Phones in the Yellow Pages How to find phone numbers and general information | |
How to find phone numbers in Europe.
Search information about phone numbers and address in the yellow pages directory services. Guide with free online services in your city. | |
Pages Jaunes Europe | |
Paginas Amarillas Europe | |
Págine Gialle Europe | |
Páginas Amarelas Europe |