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Romania Country Code is: - RO / ROU / +40
Romania - The dial code of Romania is: (+40) -
Romania Phones
Romania - Phone Numbers

Telephone numbers in Romania

Country Code : 40
International Call Prefix: 00

In the last years, landline usage started to drop within Romania, as the mobile phones market was growing fast. Mobile phone companies were running out of numbers, as both the main mobile companies claimed millions upon millions of subscribers. Also, as the imminent joining of the EU, was going to cause the state-owned company to lose its landline monopoly, a reform was introduced in 2002. This modified the system to a 10 digits system, of which the first is always a national access code 0 . The first 4 digits, including the leading 0 , give the area code, in the format 0ZYX , where X, Y are digits from 0 to 9 and Z is a digit from 2 to 9. The geographic area codes for Bucharest are 0 Z 1, with a digit less than all the other area codes and an extra digit to the local number. For example, the Romtelecom area code for Bucharest is 021-xxx-xxxx , and for Neamţ County is 0233-xxx-xxx .

The Z digit gives the type of the area code:

Z = 2 and 3 means a landline number; the YX code is 1 (with extra digit for local number) for Bucharest, from 30 to 69 for a county code, and 70 to 79 for non-geographic landline numbers;
Z =7 (and possibly 6 in the future) means a mobile number; 070p-xxxxxx numbers are reserved for virtual operators, while 071p-xxxxxx to 079p-xxxxxx are reserved for certain mobile company code
Z =8 means either a toll-free ( 0800-xxxxxx ), shared cost, personal numbering, virtual cards, pre-paid cards, or internet dial-up numbers
Z =9 means a premium-rate number, like 0900-xxx-xxx ; business and financial information and service use 0903-xxx-xxx and adult entertainment use 0906-xxx-xxx
Most new landline companies, like UPC Romania (formerly Astral) or Romania Data Systems (RDS), were granted new area codes with Z =3, e.g. 031-xxx-xxxx for Bucharest, and 03pp-xxx-xxx for the rest of the country. Because these area codes are shared between more companies, the entire number must be dialed, even within the same network.

The numbers with Z =2, e.g. 021-xxx-xxxx or 02pp-xxx-xxx , belong almost exclusively to Romtelecom. However, smaller companies were granted numbers with these area codes, like 021-59x-xxxx , and the local numbers are assigned in descending order of the first 3 digits, like (599xxxx, 598xxxx, ..., or 529xxxx, 528xxxx, ...). In Bucharest, local numbers starting with 5 were not used by Romtelecom, hence the usage of this digit. For other counties, if 5 had not been used by Romtelecom, it is preferred for the first digit of numbers of other companies. There are few companies requesting numbering resources with Z =2, and in most cases the companies provide local service only and do not extend their network in the whole country.

Formerly within Romtelecom, local numbers were always dialed without area codes, but other numbers were always to be dialed with the area codes, even if it was the same one. Hovever this was changed beginning with 3 May 2008: from that date Romtelecom subscribers can dial full 10 digit numbers for local calls, and since 1 August 2008 they are required to dial the full 10 digit number.

The mobile companies use area codes starting with 7: 71 for Romtelecom, 72 and 73 for Vodafone Romania (previously branded as Connex), 74 and 75 for Orange Romania (previously branded as Dialog), 76 for Cosmote Romania (previously branded as Cosmorom), 77 for RCS&RDS, 78 for Zapp Mobile, etc.

Free phone numbers start with 800 (like 0-800-xxx-xxx ). Strangely, some companies to whom a numbering class is allocated may not grant toll-free access to those numbers for other networks. Therefore, sometimes a "toll-free" number is advertised as "toll free only within some operator".

Some 08pp codes are used for various services, like:

0801 for shared-cost numbers
0802 for personal numbering
0806 for virtual cards
0807 for pre-paid cards
087p for Internet dial-up; for the moment, only 0870 is used
Extra-charge numbers start with 90p , with some service types with their own area codes, like business and financial information ( 0903 ) and adult entertainment ( 0906 ). There are few used area codes in the 09pp range, the rest of them are stated as reserved, unlike for the 08pp range, which holds more service types, either toll-free or not.

The former extra-charge numbers were starting with 021-89-xxxxx for Bucharest and 02pp-89x-xxx for the other regions, thus being a subset of the numbers owned by Romtelecom. Currently these numbers are sometimes used for premium rate or normal Internet dial-up services. The usage of these numbers for such services is however discouraged, as the new area code for Internet dial-up is 0870 . There are some dial-up services using these numbers, and most of them begin with (021- or 02pp-) 893 or 899 .

Calling from Romania to Romania usually implies using the full 10 digits number. Romtelecom county codes were chosen on a geographical order, starting with northern Moldavia (Suceava County had 30 ), then going southwards to eastern Wallachia, than westwards to southern Transylvania, than northwards, closing the circle with the highest prefix, 69 (used for Sibiu County). These county codes were extended to all landline area codes.

Extra-charge SMS are sent to three or four digits numbers, each company having its own system.

Short numbers are allowed in both the 3 digits and in 4 digits forms, with a leading 9 , like 981 for the fire brigade, 961 for ambulance, 955 for police or 9xxx for various companies, including taxi, medical services, guards, information and others. Each town or county has it own special services, like firefighters, police, with the same number. The station to which these calls are directed is chosen based on location. Unlike for Bucharest, other regions use short numbers with 3 digits only, including the leading 9 . These services are provided by Romtelecom, therefore the area code must be dialed before the number when calling from other network.

The short local numbers which are the same in the whole country are:

02YX-922 Romtelecom devices service (for phones and other equipment bought or rented from Romtelecom), 021-9222 for Bucharest
02YX-925 Romtelecom GBM sales and customer support, 021-9255 for Bucharest
02YX-923 or 02YX-926 elevator service, 021-923(x) or 021-926(x) for more companies in Bucharest
02YX-928 former local gas company; new companies use other numbers; in Bucharest 021-928x for more gas companies
02YX-929 electricity company; 021-9291 for Bucharest and 021-9292 for surrounding area
02YX-953 former state-owned taxi company; the privatised company still holds this number, 021-9531 for Bucharest
02YX-954 former state-owned freight taxi company; the privatised company still holds this number, 021-9541 for Bucharest
02YX-955 police, 021-9555 for Bucharest; no longer toll-free since the implementation of 112
02YX-956 gendarmerie, 021-9566 for Bucharest; formerly a taxi company number in Bucharest
02YX-959 Border police, 021-959 0 for Bucharest; (probably on counties along the country border or holding international airports)
02YX-961 state-owned ambulance and medical service 021-9611 for Bucharest; allegedly no longer toll-free since the implementation of 112
971 international calls via operator (this Romtelecom service is an exception and keeps the original short format even after 1 August 2008)
02YX-981 fire brigade, 021-9811 for Bucharest; allegedly no longer toll-free since the implementation of 112
991 domestic calls via operator, for reverse charge calls (this Romtelecom service is another exception and keeps the original short format even after 1 August 2008)
Some short numbers are used for network services, for rotary telephones which cannot dial * and # .

Romania joined the European initiative for a continent-wide emergency number, 112 . With the implementation of this service, the former emergency numbers are no longer toll-free, unless they are redirected to 112.

Number portability is planned to be available after 21 October 2008.

Besides the 112 service, and the reserved 11x numbers, a number may not begin with 1. There are some special codes which start with 1 :

10xx carrier selection, with intermediate tone
16xx carrier selection, followed by number
19x(...) nationwide short numbers (implemented since 2 May 2008)
1921 Romtelecom phone line service
1930 Romtelecom sales and customer support
1931 Romtelecom directory information
1932 Romtelecom directory information in Hungarian language
1951 Various information service
1957 telegrams
1958 current time announcement (from 10 to 10 seconds)
When calling from abroad, the leading zero is dropped and replaced with the international access code and the country code, like +40-xxx-xxx-xxx . As usual, only regular landline and mobile phones are accessible from outside Romania.

Because Romania's international code is 40 , some full numbers are sometimes wrongly advertised as +4 (or 004) followed by the national number, with the leading 0 included. The numbers are still valid, but sometimes even the 0 is dropped, so a call to a number written in this manner will fail. Those who do so mistakenly consider the international code as 4, and not 40. This mistake does not appear in media, but is sometimes observed on written phone numbers on vehicles, especially lorries or coaches.

When calling abroad from Romania, the international access code is 00 . From mobile devices the + is also supported, as per the GSM system standard.

Mobile Phone codes
MNP service is launched in October 2008. So any number can be used by any mobile provider.

Mobile Providers with own Networks
Romtelecom - 71
Vodafone Romania - 72, 73
Orange Romania - 74, 75
Cosmote - 76
RCS&RDS / DigiMobil - 77
Zapp Mobile - 78
Romanian Communications Authority (in Romanian and English)
(Romanian) The new short numbers
(Romanian) The new short numbers, on Romtelecom's site - pentru clienti numere_utile
Telephone numbers in Romania General information and references
Telephone Numbers in Europe


Company : Orange
Website :  Orange

Phone : 300 / (+40) 374 300 300 / 0374.30.03.00
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Orange Romania: Bridging Worlds with Exceptional Telecom Services

Orange Romania stands as a leading telecommunications provider, connecting individuals to a world of possibilities through its top-notch services. Known for its commitment to connectivity, innovation, and fostering opportunities, Orange Romania offers a spectrum of services that empower users across the nation.

Commitment to Connectivity:

  • Orange Romania is dedicated to ensuring seamless connectivity for its users. With a robust network infrastructure, the company guarantees reliable and widespread coverage, enabling individuals and businesses to stay connected effortlessly.

Innovative Telecom Solutions:

  • At the forefront of innovation, Orange Romania introduces cutting-edge telecom solutions. From innovative mobile plans to advanced digital platforms, Orange Romania provides users with tools to embrace the digital world effectively.

Opportunities and Connectivity:

  • Orange Romania's services not only provide connectivity but also unlock a world of opportunities. By fostering connectivity, the company enables individuals and businesses to access new opportunities, furthering their personal and professional endeavors.

Discover Telecom Solutions:

  • Explore a diverse array of telecom solutions with Orange Romania. As a leading provider, Orange Romania offers a range of services and phones, ensuring users find the perfect fit for their connectivity needs, empowering them to stay connected and explore endless possibilities.

In summary, Orange Romania continues to bridge worlds and empower users with exceptional telecom services. With a focus on connectivity, innovation, and fostering opportunities, Orange Romania remains dedicated to connecting individuals and businesses to a world of possibilities across the nation.

Plans :

Fun 9 - 5G Subscription:

  • Price: €7.2 / month (VAT included).

  • 25 GB of national 5G Internet.

  • 25 GB bonus.

  • Unlimited national minutes and SMS.

  • 200 international minutes.

  • No roaming access.

  • Access to TV channels.

Fun 11 - 5G+ Subscription:

  • Price: €8.8 / month (VAT included).

  • Unlimited 5G+ Internet.

  • 8.22 GB roaming limit in the EEA.

  • Unlimited national and international minutes and SMS, including roaming in the EEA.

  • Access to TV channels.

Smart Plus 15 - 5G+ Subscription:

  • Price: €7.5 / month (VAT included).

  • Unlimited 5G+ Internet.

  • 7 GB roaming limit in the EEA.

  • Unlimited national and international minutes and SMS, including roaming in the EEA.

  • Access to TV channels.

Smart Plus 20 - 5G+ Subscription:

  • Price: €16 / month (VAT included).

  • Unlimited 5G+ internet.

  • 14.94 GB roaming limit in the EEA.

  • Unlimited national and international minutes and SMS, including roaming in the EEA.

  • Access to TV channels.

  • Number Share (smartwatch).

Prepaid : Smart Plus 15 - Recommended Subscription: Previous Price: €15/month. Current Price: €7.5/month. Unlimited 5G+ Internet. 7 GB limit on roaming in the SEE. Unlimited national and international minutes and SMS, including roaming in the SEE. Access to TV channels.


Company : Vodafone
Website :  Vodafone

Phone : *222/ 0372.02.2222
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Vodafone Romania: Spearheading Digital Empowerment

Vodafone Romania takes the lead in the telecommunications industry, offering cutting-edge solutions that enrich digital experiences and connections across the country. Renowned for its commitment to innovation, Vodafone Romania stands as a catalyst for empowering a digital lifestyle.

Commitment to Innovation:

  • Vodafone Romania is committed to pioneering innovation in telecommunications. The company continuously introduces cutting-edge solutions and services, enhancing digital experiences and connectivity for its users.

Enhancing Digital Experiences:

  • At the core of its mission, Vodafone Romania aims to enhance digital experiences for all. By providing innovative services and solutions, the company empowers individuals and businesses to navigate the digital world seamlessly.

Leading Connectivity Solutions:

  • Vodafone Romania leads the way in providing top-tier connectivity solutions. With a focus on reliability and efficiency, the company ensures that users have access to superior connectivity and telecom services.

Empowering Your Digital Life:

  • Discover a world of possibilities with Vodafone Romania. As a frontrunner in telecom services, Vodafone Romania offers a diverse range of solutions and phones, enabling users to embrace a connected and empowered digital lifestyle.

In summary, Vodafone Romania continues to spearhead digital empowerment through its commitment to innovation and superior connectivity solutions. With a focus on enhancing digital experiences and connections, Vodafone Romania remains dedicated to empowering users and businesses in embracing the digital era.

Plans :

Offer 6:

  • Price: €5 per month.

  • Validity: 28 days.

  • 100,000MB internet.

  • Unlimited minutes and SMS in the network.

  • 2,000 national minutes & to Spain and Italy/national SMS.

  • 300 international minutes.

Offer 5:

  • Price: €5/month.

  • Validity: 28 days.

  • 50,000MB internet.

  • Unlimited minutes and SMS in the network.

  • 1,000 minutes and SMS in any national network.

  • 100 international minutes.

  • No roaming.

Offer 8:

  • Price: €8/month.

  • Validity: Monthly.

  • Unlimited internet.

  • Unlimited minutes and SMS in the network.

  • 3,000 national minutes & to Spain, Italy, and the Republic of Moldova.

  • 1,000 international minutes.

  • No roaming.


Company : Telekom
Website :  Telekom

Phone : 1234 / 766 121 234
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Telekom Romania: Elevating Connectivity and Innovation

Telekom Romania stands as a key player in the telecommunications industry, dedicated to elevating connectivity and fostering innovation. Renowned for its commitment to reliable services, Telekom Romania serves as a catalyst for transforming the country's digital landscape.

Reliable Connectivity:

  • Telekom Romania ensures reliable connectivity across the nation. With a robust network infrastructure, the company guarantees consistent and dependable services, keeping individuals and businesses connected seamlessly.

Fostering Innovation:

  • At the forefront of innovation, Telekom Romania drives advancements in telecommunications. The company introduces innovative solutions and services, constantly pushing the boundaries to enhance connectivity experiences.

Empowering Digital Transformation:

  • Telekom Romania empowers digital transformation by offering solutions tailored to evolving needs. Through its diverse range of services, the company enables users to embrace the digital era effectively.

Discover Telecom Solutions:

  • Explore a myriad of telecom solutions with Telekom Romania. As a prominent provider, Telekom Romania offers a spectrum of services and phones, ensuring users find ideal solutions to fulfill their connectivity requirements.

In summary, Telekom Romania continues to elevate connectivity and innovation within the telecommunications sector. With a focus on reliability, innovation, and empowering digital transformation, Telekom Romania remains dedicated to providing superior services and shaping the digital future of Romania.

Plans :

Unlimited Mobile Option 6:

  • Price: €6.

  • Validity: 30 days.

  • Unlimited Net Bonuses.

  • National data traffic.

  • Advantages not specified.

Option N5:

  • Price: €5.

  • Validity: 28 days.

  • Bonus 60GB national data traffic.

  • Advantages can be seen after sending an SMS to 888 or through MyAccount.

Unlimited Mobile Option 8:

  • Price: €8.

  • Validity: 35 days.

  • Unlimited Net Bonuses.

  • National data traffic.

  • Advantages not specified.

Mini Unlimited Mobile Option:

  • Price: €2.

  • Validity: 7 days.

  • Unlimited Net Bonuses.

  • National data traffic.

  • Advantages not specified.

Option R12 with roaming:

  • Price: €12.

  • Validity: 28 days.

  • Unlimited Net Bonuses.

  • National data traffic.

  • Advantages can be seen after sending an SMS to 888.

Option R2 with roaming:

  • Price: €2.

  • Validity: 28 days.

  • €0.05 credit per minute for national calls (including Telekom Romania Mobile).

  • Group 0 roaming to Group 0.

  • Advantages not specified.

Roaming option Moldova:

  • Price: €5.

  • Validity: 28 days.

  • 50 minutes/SMS.

  • Minutes made in roaming in Moldova to Ro/Md, minutes received from anywhere, SMS sent in roaming in Moldova to Ro/Md.

Prepaid :

Recharge Value: €3 - €3.99:

  • Credit Validity: 31 days.

  • Grace Period: 180 days.

Recharge Value: €4 - €4.99:

  • 50 minutes + 50 SMS in the Telekom network + 500 MB.

  • Credit Validity: 31 days.

  • Grace Period: 180 days.

Recharge Value: €5 - €10.99:

  • Reload Bonus: 50 minutes + 50 SMS in the Telekom network + 500 MB.

  • Credit Validity: 60 days.

  • Grace Period: 330 days.

Recharge Value: €11 - €15.99:

  • Reload Bonus: 50 minutes + 50 SMS in the Telekom network + 500 MB.

  • Credit Validity: 90 days.

  • Grace Period: 300 days.

Recharge Value: €16 - €24.99:

  • Reload Bonus: 50 minutes + 50 SMS in the Telekom network + 500 MB.

  • Credit Validity: 120 days.

  • Grace Period: 270 days.

Recharge Value: €25 - €100:

  • Reload Bonus: 50 minutes + 50 SMS in the Telekom network + 500 MB.

  • Credit Validity: 150 days.

  • Grace Period: 240 days.

Digi Mobil

Company : Digi Mobil
Website :  Digi Mobil

Phone : 031.400.4600 / 031.400.4401/ 031.400.4414
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Digi Mobil Romania: Streamlining Mobile Connectivity

Digi Mobil Romania stands out as a prominent mobile service provider, simplifying mobile connectivity and accessibility for users across the country. Renowned for its straightforward services, Digi Mobil Romania focuses on making connectivity easily accessible to all.

Straightforward Mobile Services:

  • Digi Mobil Romania prides itself on offering straightforward mobile services. The company ensures that its services are user-friendly and accessible, providing a seamless experience for its customers.

Accessibility for All:

  • With a commitment to accessibility, Digi Mobil Romania caters to a wide demographic. The company's services are designed to be inclusive, ensuring that everyone can easily access and benefit from mobile connectivity.

Empowering Connectivity:

  • Digi Mobil Romania empowers users by simplifying connectivity. Through its services, the company enables individuals to stay connected effortlessly, fostering communication and interaction among users.

Discover Simple Telecom Solutions:

  • Explore simplified telecom solutions with Digi Mobil Romania. As a significant mobile service provider, Digi Mobil Romania offers a range of services and mobile plans, ensuring that users find convenient and accessible solutions to meet their connectivity needs.

In summary, Digi Mobil Romania stands as a provider committed to simplifying mobile connectivity. With its focus on straightforward services and accessibility, Digi Mobil Romania continues to empower users by offering accessible and user-friendly solutions in the realm of mobile connectivity.

Plans :

Optimal 2:

  • Price of the service: €2 per month.

  • Unlimited minutes and SMS on the DIGI network.

  • Includes 200 more minutes of domestic, international, and EEA roaming.

  • 4G speeds: Up to 100 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload.

  • 5G speeds: Up to 600 Mbps download and 40 Mbps upload.

Optimal 3:

  • Price of the service: €3 per month.

  • Unlimited minutes and SMS on the DIGI network.

  • Includes 300 more minutes of domestic, international, and EEA roaming.

  • 4G speeds: Up to 100 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload.

  • 5G speeds: Up to 600 Mbps download and 40 Mbps upload.

Unlimited mobile:

  • Price: 5 euros per month.

  • Service Description: Offers network coverage with the best coverage (coverage #1) and provides unlimited minutes domestically and roaming in the EEA, unlimited text messages on the DIGI network, and 3000 international minutes.

  • On 4G networks: Up to 100 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload.

  • In 5G networks: Up to 600 Mbps download and 40 Mbps upload.

Focus Sat

Company : Focus Sat
Website :  Focus Sat

Phone : (+40) 21 406 7220
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Focus Sat Romania: Enhancing Your TV Experience

Focus Sat Romania stands as a leading TV service provider, dedicated to enhancing TV experiences by offering diverse content and entertainment options. Renowned for its commitment to providing quality entertainment, Focus Sat Romania elevates the TV viewing experience for its customers.

Diverse Content Selection:

  • Focus Sat Romania boasts a diverse range of content, catering to varied entertainment preferences. From captivating shows to informative programs, the company offers a plethora of options to suit different tastes.

Quality Entertainment:

  • At the core of its services, Focus Sat Romania prioritizes quality entertainment. The company ensures that users have access to high-quality programming and channels, providing an enriching TV experience.

Enhancing TV Viewing:

  • Focus Sat Romania aims to enhance TV viewing experiences for its customers. Through its services, the company offers a wide array of entertainment choices, allowing users to enjoy an engaging and fulfilling TV experience.

Explore TV Services:

  • Discover diverse TV services with Focus Sat Romania. As a leading TV service provider, Focus Sat Romania offers various entertainment packages and channels, ensuring users find the ideal options to suit their viewing preferences.

In summary, Focus Sat Romania continues to elevate TV experiences by providing diverse content and quality entertainment. With a focus on enriching TV viewing and offering a wide spectrum of entertainment options, Focus Sat Romania remains committed to enhancing the TV experience for its customers.

Plans :

Accession Access:

  • Price: 38 Lei per month.

  • It offers 75 channels, including 8 in HD format.

  • Free installation through authorized partners.

  • Issuance of monthly invoice, sent by mail or in electronic format.

  • Includes the equipment for free in custody.

Accession Access Plus:

  • Price: 32 Lei per month.

  • It offers 104 channels, including 14 in HD format.

  • 6 premium FilmBox channels included.

  • Free access to the Focus Sat app and video library.

  • Free installation through authorized partners.

  • Issuance of monthly invoice, sent by mail or in electronic format.

  • Includes the equipment for free in custody.

  • Offers 7 days FREE.

Accession Access Max:

  • Price: 63 Lei per month.

  • It offers 114 channels, including 16 in HD format.

  • Free access to the Focus Sat app and an extended video library.

  • Access included to HBO Max, AntenaPLAY, and FilmBox+.

  • Access included to the extra adult content option.

  • Free installation through authorized partners.

  • Issuance of monthly invoice, sent by mail or in electronic format.

  • Includes the equipment for free in custody.

  • Offers 7 days FREE.


Company : Nextgen
Website :  Nextgen

Phone : (+40) 021.569.00.10 /021.569.00.11
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Nextgen Communications Romania: Charting the Course to the Future

Nextgen Communications Romania emerges as a pioneering force in the telecom industry, leading the way with modern and innovative solutions that propel users into the future. Renowned for its forward-thinking approach, Nextgen Communications in Romania is committed to connecting users to the next era of telecommunications.

Forward-Thinking Solutions:

  • Nextgen Communications Romania is at the forefront of introducing forward-thinking telecom solutions. The company constantly innovates to provide cutting-edge services that anticipate and meet the evolving needs of its users.

Connecting to the Future:

  • Nextgen Communications paves the way for users to connect to the future. By offering futuristic solutions and services, the company ensures that its users are well-equipped to embrace the next phase of telecommunications seamlessly.

Navigating Modern Telecom:

  • Nextgen Communications Romania navigates the landscape of modern telecom with finesse. The company's services and solutions are designed to lead users through a technological landscape that promises efficiency, innovation, and connectivity.

Embrace the Future with Nextgen:

  • Explore the future of telecom with Nextgen Communications Romania. As a trailblazer in the industry, Nextgen Communications offers a suite of forward-looking telecom solutions, empowering users to navigate the future of communication effortlessly.

In summary, Nextgen Communications Romania stands as a vanguard in modern telecom solutions, committed to connecting users to the future. With its forward-thinking approach and dedication to innovative telecom services, Nextgen Communications continues to lead the way towards a future of seamless and advanced telecommunications.

Plans :

NextHeavy Internet:

  • Speed: Up to 100 Mbps.

  • Unlimited traffic.

  • Fiber optic connection.

  • Optional wireless router.

  • Free installation for new subscriptions.

  • Availability and rates vary by location.

NextPower 350 Internet:

  • Speed: Up to 350 Mbps.

  • Unlimited traffic.

  • Fiber optic connection.

  • Option for a wireless GIGABIT router.

  • Free installation for new subscriptions.

  • Availability and rates vary by location.

NextPower 600 Internet:

  • Speed: Up to 600 Mbps.

  • Unlimited traffic.

  • Fiber optic connection.

  • Option for a wireless GIGABIT router.

  • Free installation for new subscriptions.

  • Availability and rates vary by location.

Internet NextPower 1024:

  • Speed: Up to 1024 Mbps.

  • Unlimited traffic.

  • Fiber optic connection.

  • Option for a wireless GIGABIT router.

  • Free installation for new subscriptions or service packages contracted.


Company : Netcity
Website :

Phone : (+40) 031 425 97 01
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Netcity Telecom Romania: Spearheading Tomorrow's Network Development Netcity Telecom plays a pivotal role in Romania's telecommunications landscape by contributing to the development of robust networks, laying the groundwork for the future's digital advancements. With a strong commitment to infrastructure, Netcity Telecom is driving the evolution of advanced networks that will shape tomorrow's digital sphere.
Infrastructure Growth: Netcity Telecom focuses on infrastructure growth crucial for advancing telecommunications in Romania. The company invests in building comprehensive networks that will serve as the foundation for tomorrow's digital landscape.
Future-Ready Networks: Netcity Telecom aims to create networks that are future-ready. By implementing state-of-the-art technologies and expanding network capabilities, the company ensures that its infrastructure can accommodate and facilitate upcoming digital advancements.
Contributing to Digital Advancements: Netcity Telecom's contributions are instrumental in driving digital advancements. The networks being established will support innovative technologies and services, fostering the growth of a digitally connected society.
Building Tomorrow's Networks: Netcity Telecom is dedicated to building networks that will shape the future. With a vision focused on robust infrastructure, the company lays the groundwork for tomorrow's digital advancements, setting the stage for a technologically progressive Romania. In summary, Netcity Telecom Romania is a pivotal player in driving the growth of robust networks that will define the future of telecommunications in Romania. With a strong commitment to infrastructure development and forward-thinking initiatives, Netcity Telecom paves the way for a digitally connected tomorrow in the country.
Plans :

Transport Tube Rental:

  • Rental of a tube for fiber optic or copper cable installation, with drawing chamber delimitations at both ends.

  • Provides space for cable reserve and a junction box in the drawing room upon request.

  • Tariff: 73.16 euros per kilometer per month.

Connection Tube Rental:

  • Rental of a tube for optical fiber or copper cable installation, with one end in a drawing room and the other end at a distribution box or pillar-type support.

  • Provides space for cable reserve and a junction box in the drawing room upon request.

  • Tariff: 0.224 euro per meter per month.

FTTB Connection Rental:

  • Rental of a pair of unequipped optical fiber cables, with one end in a pulling chamber and the other end at the terminal box of the building junction or a pillar-type support.

  • Provides space for cable reserve and a junction box in the drawing room related to the FTTB connection upon request.

  • Tariff: 0.277 euro per meter per month.


Company : Euroweb
Website :

Phone : (+40) 031 710 00 00
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Euroweb Romania: Leading the Way in Telecommunications

Euroweb Romania stands out as a leading provider of telecommunications services in Romania, offering a diverse spectrum of Internet, telephony, hosting, and value-added solutions tailored for both residential and business customers. With a robust infrastructure network and a steadfast commitment to innovation, Euroweb has established itself as a reliable and high-quality provider in the Romanian market.

Euroweb Romania's Origins

Founded in 1998, Euroweb Romania operates as a subsidiary of Turk Telekom, a major telecommunications operator headquartered in Turkey. Over the years, the company has ascended to become one of the primary players in the Romanian market, serving millions of customers nationwide.

Services Offered by Euroweb Romania

Euroweb Romania caters to a diverse customer base by offering an array of telecommunications services, including:

  • Broadband Internet: Euroweb provides high-speed Internet plans utilizing cutting-edge technologies like fiber optic and cable to ensure fast and dependable connections for customers.
  • Fixed and Mobile Telephony: Euroweb offers affordable fixed and mobile telephony services with extensive national coverage.
  • Television Services: Cable and IPTV packages from Euroweb encompass a wide range of national and international channels.
  • Value-added Services: Euroweb provides cybersecurity, cloud storage, and home automation services among its value-added offerings.

Commitment to Innovation

Euroweb Romania prioritizes innovation and invests in cutting-edge technologies. The company has been a trailblazer in introducing new technologies to the Romanian market, such as the 5G network and fiber to the home (FTTH).

Euroweb Romania's Future

With its robust infrastructure network, extensive service portfolio, and unwavering commitment to innovation, Euroweb Romania is positioned to continue leading the telecommunications market in Romania. The company is equipped to meet the burgeoning demands of Romanian customers in the digital age.

Some notable facts about Euroweb Romania include:

  • Founded in 1998
  • Owned by Turk Telekom, a major telecommunications operator headquartered in Turkey
  • Headquartered in Bucharest with offices nationwide
  • Serving millions of customers in Romania
  • Offering a broad range of telecommunications services including Internet, telephony, hosting, and value-added solutions
  • Commitment to innovation and investment in the latest technologies

Euroweb Romania is a dependable and high-quality telecommunications partner for Romanian customers. With its diverse service offerings, dedication to innovation, and state-of-the-art infrastructure network, Euroweb is poised to maintain its leadership in the market for years to come.


Company : ANCOM
Website :

Phone : (+40) 0800 855 855
Social Networks Facebook Twitter

ANCOM Romania: Fostering Communication Standards and Innovation

ANCOM is the Romanian National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications. It operates as an independent public authority responsible for regulating the electronic communications and postal services markets in Romania.


ANCOM was established in 2002, formed through the merger of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology (IGCTI) and the National Regulatory Authority for Communications and Information Technology (ANRCTI).

Mission and Objectives

The mission of ANCOM is to safeguard the interests of communication users in Romania. Its objectives include:

  • Promoting competition and innovation in electronic communications and postal services markets
  • Managing scarce resources in a competition-oriented manner (such as frequency spectrum, numbering resources, and associated technical resources)
  • Encouraging efficient infrastructure investment
  • Fostering ultra-fast connectivity


ANCOM is headed by a president appointed by the Romanian government and has a board of directors responsible for its overall management.

It comprises various departments, each responsible for distinct regulatory areas:

  • The Department of Electronic Communications
  • The Department of Postal Services
  • The Department of Competition and Consumer Protection
  • The Department of International Relations and European Integration

Powers and Responsibilities

ANCOM holds a broad spectrum of powers and responsibilities:

  • Granting and revoking licenses for electronic communications and postal services providers
  • Setting tariffs for electronic communications and postal services
  • Investigating complaints from communications users
  • Imposing sanctions on providers violating the law

ANCOM and the European Union

ANCOM is a member of the European Regulatory Group for Electronic Communications (ERG), collaborating with national regulatory authorities from EU member states to coordinate activities. Additionally, it implements the EU's electronic communications regulations in Romania.


ANCOM plays a significant role in regulating Romania's electronic communications and postal services markets. The authority is dedicated to safeguarding communication users' interests and fostering competition and innovation within the market.

Phones in Romania

Phones in Romania . (40) Find the best mobile phone companies in Romania. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. RO List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Romania : Alba, Arad, Arges, Bacau, Bihor, Bistrita-Nasaud, Botosani, Braila, Brasov, Bucuresti, Buzau, Caras-Severin, Cluj, Constanta, Covasna, Dambovita, Dolj, Galati, Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoara, Ialomita, Iasi, Maramures, Mehedinti, Mures, Neamt, Olt, Prahova, Salaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Suceava, Teleorman, Timis, Tulcea, Vaslui, Valcea, Vrancea, Calarasi, Giurgiu, Ilfov

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Romania :




Digi Mobil

Focus Sat





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Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Romania.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Romania offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
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Yellow Pages
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40 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. ROU
Search in Romania :


iso2 : RO
iso3 : ROU
Country : Romania
Lat : 45.9432
Long : 24.9668
Population : 19237682
Latitude: 45.9432, Longitude: 24.9668, ISO: Romania (RO) - Population : 19237682

ISO-Numeric : 642
Country : Romania
Capital : Bucharest
Area km2 : 237500
Population : 19473936
Continent : EU
Internet : .ro
Currency Code : RON
Currency Name : Leu
Phone : 40
Postal Code Format : ######
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{6})$
Languages : ro,hu,rom
Geo : 798549
Neighbours countries : MD,HU,UA,BG,RS
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Phone companies in Romania
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Mobile Phones
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Romania Codes
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Yellow pages of Romania
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White pages in Romania
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