
- T-Mobile - 30 - Vodafone Hungary - 70



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Hungary Country Code is: - HU / HUN / +36
Hungary - The dial code of Hungary is: (+36) -
Hungary Phones - Find Phone Numbers in Hungary

Telephone numbers in Hungary

Hungary Area Codes

In Hungary the standard lengths for area codes is one (Budapest only) and two (rest of areas) digits and 7 or 8 (cell phone numbers beginning with 20, 30 and 70 and corporate network numbers starting with 71) for subscribers' numbers in Hungary.

[ Making calls within and from Hungary

Calls within local areas can be made by dialling the number without the area code, such as 123-4567 in Budapest or 123-456 in other areas. However, this is not permitted in mobile phone networks.

Domestic calls to all other area codes must be preceded with 06 + area code . For example, a call from Budapest to Monor (area code 29) would be made as 06 29 123-456 and a call from Monor to Budapest (area code 1) would be made as 06 1 234-5678 . When using mobile phones, the international format can be used instead: +36 1 234-5678 .

Calls to international destinations are in the format 00 + country code + number . On mobile phones, + can be used instead of 00 .

The country code for Hungary is 36.

[ Short numbers

Certain services can be called with a short number, ignoring the above scheme.

104 emergency operator (medical)
105 emergency operator (fire)
107 emergency operator (police)
112 emergency operator (general)

List of area codes

1 area code for Budapest
20 cell phone network of Pannon
21 Location independent electronic communications service numbers
22 area code for Székesfehérvár
23 area code for Biatorbágy
24 area code for Szigetszentmiklós
25 area code for Dunaújváros
26 area code for Szentendre
27 area code for Vác
28 area code for Gödöllő
29 area code for Monor
30 cell phone networks of T-Mobile
32 area code for Salgótarján
33 area code for Esztergom
34 area code for Tatabánya
35 area code for Balassagyarmat
36 area code for Eger
37 area code for Gyöngyös
40 Shared-cost service (national)
41 Special services
42 area code for Nyíregyháza
44 area code for Mátészalka
45 area code for Kisvárda
46 area code for Miskolc
47 area code for Szerencs
48 area code for Ózd
49 area code for Mezőkövesd
50 reserved/retired
51 Dial-Up Internet service
52 area code for Debrecen
53 area code for Cegléd
54 area code for Berettyóújfalu
55 Test number
56 area code for Szolnok
57 area code for Jászberény
59 area code for Karcag
60 reserved/retired
61 reserved for later use
62 area code for Szeged
63 area code for Szentes
66 area code for Békéscsaba
68 area code for Orosháza
69 area code for Mohács
70 cell phone network of Vodafone
71 corporate networks
72 area code for Pécs
73 area code for Szigetvár
74 area code for Szekszárd
75 area code for Paks
76 area code for Kecskemét
77 area code for Kiskunhalas
78 area code for Kiskőrös
79 area code for Baja
80 freephone service (national)
81 IN
82 area code for Kaposvár
83 area code for Keszthely
84 area code for Siófok
85 area code for Marcali
87 area code for Tapolca
88 area code for Veszprém
89 area code for Pápa
90 Premium-rate service (national)
91 Premium-rate service (national) - previously: IP VPN
92 area code for Zalaegerszeg
93 area code for Nagykanizsa
94 area code for Szombathely
95 area code for Sárvár
96 area code for Győr
99 area code for Sopron
Mobile Phone codes
In ascending numeric order

Mobile Providers with own Networks
Provider - Code
Pannon - 20
Note: After April 1, 2004, the phone numbers can be carried from network to network. That means any of the previous codes can refer to any mobile provider.

Telephone Numbers in Europe
References Telephone numbers in_Hungary General information and references


Company : Telekom
Website :  Telekom

Phone : 1414
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Magyar Telekom: Connecting Hungary with Giga-power Mobile Internet Packages

Magyar Telekom is a prominent player in Hungary's telecommunications sector. In this article, we will explore its role, services, and contribution to the country's connectivity.

A History of Innovation:
Magyar Telekom is known for its innovative spirit in the field of telecommunications in Hungary. It has led the implementation of advanced technologies that have significantly improved connectivity in the country.

Diversified Services:
The company offers a wide range of services, including fixed and mobile telephony, high-speed internet access, and subscription television. This diversification allows customers to meet multiple communication and entertainment needs in one place.

Commitment to Quality:
The quality of Magyar Telekom's services is a fundamental pillar of its operation. The company strives to ensure a robust network and top-notch customer service.

Social Responsibility Initiatives:
Magyar Telekom not only focuses on business but also makes significant contributions to Hungarian society. It actively participates in social responsibility projects that promote education, culture, and sustainability.

Future Expansion:
The company has expressed its commitment to continuous expansion and improvement of telecommunications infrastructure in Hungary. This ensures that the country remains a connected and technologically advanced place.

Magyar Telekom plays an essential role in Hungary's development and connectivity. Its focus on innovation, quality, and social responsibility makes it a reliable partner for Hungarian citizens and businesses.

Plans :

Telekom plans in Hungary

  • 4 GB:

    • 4 GB of data in the country and in the EU

    • Price: 2500 Ft/month

  • 10 GB:

    • 10 GB of data in the country and in the EU

    • Price: 4560 Ft/month

  • 50 GB:

    • 50 GB of data in the country, of which 24 GB are in the EU

    • Price: 8110 Ft/month


    • Unlimited Internet

    • OKOSVILÁG (Smart World) or SZÓRAKOZÁS (Entertainment) or UTAZÁS (Travel)

    • 2 MultiSIM for smart devices

    • Unlimited Internet in the country

    • 5G Capability

    • 37 GB in the EU

    • Price: 12,580 Ft/month


    • You pay according to the duration of your calls

    • KRAFT offer with 10 GB of internet

    • Can only be selected with 10 GB / 50 GB data

    • Price: Variable

  • MOBIL S:

    • 80 minutes or SMS

    • Price: 2050 Ft/month

  • MOBIL M:

    • Unlimited calls to Telekom

    • 30 minutes or SMS

    • Price: 3310 Ft/month

  • MOBIL L:

    • Unlimited national calls

    • Price: 6860 Ft/month


    • Unlimited national and international calls to the EU

    • Price: 9950 Ft/month

Prepaid :

Telekom Prepaid Plans in Hungary

  • Plan 1:
    • Unlimited mobile subscription with the Monthly L tariff package + New Gigaerős Net data package
    • Monthly price of 12,575 Ft in Magenta 1 with e-Pack
  • Plan 2:
    • Unlimited mobile subscription for 2 mobile lines
    • Includes the Monthly L rate package + New Gigaerős Net data package
    • Monthly price of 11,431 Ft per subscription in Magenta 1 with e-Pack
  • Plan 3 or more:
    • Unlimited mobile subscription for 3 or more mobile lines
    • Includes the Monthly L rate package + New Gigaerős Net data package
    • Monthly price of 9,714 Ft per subscription in Magenta 1 with e-Pack


Company : Yettel
Website :  Yettel

Phone : (+36) 20 200 0000
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Yettel: Enhancing Hungary's Connectivity

See what you can do and where it's available on the Yettel network. Yettel is a significant contributor to Hungary's telecommunications landscape, offering a range of services that keep the country connected.

Leading the Way:
Yettel has been at the forefront of technological innovation in Hungary, pioneering advanced solutions to enhance the nation's connectivity. With a commitment to staying ahead of the curve, Yettel ensures that Hungary's telecommunication networks are both reliable and cutting-edge.

A Comprehensive Service Portfolio:
Yettel provides a diverse set of services, including fixed and mobile telephony, high-speed internet access, and subscription television. By offering an extensive range of communication and entertainment options, Yettel is the go-to provider for Hungary's residents and businesses.

Quality Assurance:
At Yettel, a strong focus on quality is ingrained in every aspect of the business. The company continuously invests in maintaining a robust network and delivers top-tier customer service to guarantee a seamless experience for its subscribers.

Community and Sustainability:
Yettel takes its corporate social responsibility seriously, contributing to various community development and sustainability projects. Through these initiatives, Yettel aims to support education, culture, and environmental conservation in Hungary.

Fueling Future Expansion:
Yettel is dedicated to further expanding and enhancing Hungary's telecommunications infrastructure. This commitment ensures that Hungary remains at the forefront of technological progress, serving as a shining example of connectivity in the region.

Yettel is not just a telecommunications provider; it's a key player in Hungary's growth and development. With its relentless pursuit of innovation, unwavering commitment to quality, and active involvement in community and sustainability projects, Yettel is making Hungary a more connected and technologically advanced nation.

Plans :

Yettel plans in Hungary

  • 5 GB renewable mobilenet:

    • Price HUF 3,990 per billing cycle

    • 5 GB of data nationwide, in the EU and in countries in the 1st roaming rate zone

    • Activation: Send the HAVI5GB code via SMS to 1744

  • 20 GB renewable mobilenet:

    • Price HUF 5,990 per billing cycle

    • 20 GB of data nationwide, in the EU and in countries in the 1st roaming rate zone

    • Activation: Send the HAVI20GB code via SMS to 1744

  • 50 GB renewable mobilenet:

    • Price HUF 7,990 per billing cycle

    • 50 GB of data nationwide, with 23.4 GB available in the EU and 1st roaming rate zone countries

    • Activation: Send the code HAVI50GB via SMS to 1744

  • Unlimited renewable Mobilnet+:

    • Price HUF 10,990 per billing cycle

    • Unlimited internet nationwide, with 33 GB available in the EU and countries in the 1st roaming rate zone

Prepaid :

Yettel plans in Hungary (Prepaid)

  • Yettel Prime+:

    • Unlimited mobile data

    • 250 minutes of calls

    • Unlimited upload and download speed

    • 50 GB roaming usage in the EU (zones 1)

    • Monthly price of 11,990 Ft with e-Komfort csomag and 11-month commitment

  • Yettel Prime Plus+:

    • Unlimited mobile data

    • Unlimited calls

    • Unlimited upload and download speed

    • 100 GB roaming usage in the EU (zones 1)

    • Monthly price of 14,490 Ft with e-Komfort csomag and 11-month commitment

  • Yettel Prime Max+:

    • Unlimited mobile data

    • Unlimited calls

    • Unlimited upload and download speed

    • Unlimited roaming usage in EU (Zones 1) from national data limit

    • Monthly price of 18,990 Ft with e-Komfort csomag and 11-month commitment

  • Yettel XS+:

    • 5 GB of mobile data

    • 150 minutes of calls

    • Upload and download speed up to 100 Mbit/s

    • 5GB roaming usage in EU (Zones 1) from national data limit

    • Monthly price of 5,490 Ft with e-Komfort csomag and 11 month commitment

  • Yettel S Net+:

    • 50 GB of mobile data

    • 50 minutes of calls

    • Upload and download speed up to 100 Mbit/s

    • 50 GB roaming usage in EU (Zones 1) from national data limit

    • Monthly price of 8,490 Ft with e-Komfort csomag and 11-month commitment

  • Yettel S Talk+:

    • 5 GB of mobile data

    • Unlimited calls

    • Upload and download speed up to 100 Mbit/s

    • 5GB roaming usage in EU (Zones 1) from national data limit

    • Monthly price of 8,490 Ft with e-Komfort csomag and 11-month commitment

  • Yettel M Talk+:

    • 25 GB of mobile data

    • Unlimited calls

    • Upload and download speed up to 100 Mbit/s

    • 25GB roaming usage in EU (Zones 1) from national data limit

    • Monthly price of 11,990 Ft


Company : Vodafone
Website :  Vodafone

Phone : 1270 / (+36) 70 700 1270
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Vodafone Hungary: Pioneering Connectivity

For our customers staying in Ukraine, we offer free roaming for the data traffic generated. Experience the Telecommunication Revolution in Hungary with Vodafone.

In Hungary, the telecommunications landscape is rapidly evolving, and at the forefront of this transformation is Vodafone. With a relentless commitment to innovation, exceptional network coverage, and a strong focus on sustainability, Vodafone is setting new standards for connectivity in the country. Let's explore the services and values that make Vodafone Hungary the top choice for both individuals and businesses.

About Vodafone:
Vodafone Hungary: Connecting You to the Future Vodafone Hungary is part of the global Vodafone Group, a telecommunications giant known for its cutting-edge services and technologies. In Hungary, Vodafone has established itself as a leader in the industry, providing high-quality mobile and fixed-line services. With a history of innovation and a bright vision for the future, Vodafone is changing the way Hungary communicates.

Discover Vodafone's Range of Services for Hungary's Thriving Communities Vodafone offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to the diverse needs of Hungary's communities. From mobile and fixed-line services to high-speed internet and cloud solutions, Vodafone is dedicated to keeping Hungary connected. With a commitment to delivering excellence in every service, Vodafone ensures that you're equipped for the demands of today and tomorrow.

Network Coverage:
Seamless Connectivity Across Hungary: Vodafone's Network Coverage One of Vodafone's strengths lies in its extensive network coverage, providing seamless connectivity throughout Hungary. Whether you're in the bustling capital, Budapest, or the picturesque countryside, Vodafone's network ensures you stay connected. Discover how Vodafone's commitment to expanding and enhancing its coverage is transforming the way Hungary communicates.

Innovating the Future of Telecommunications in Hungary: Vodafone's Commitment Vodafone's dedication to inno
Plans :

Vodafone plans in Hungary

  • RED 5G free:

    • HUF 11,990/month

    • Unlimited calls and SMS within the country and the EU

    • Home data at 10 Mbit/s

    • 26 GB of data in the EU

    • 50% device insurance

    • 5 GB of shareable data

  • RED Max. 5G:

    • HUF 14,990/month

    • Unlimited calls and SMS within the country and the EU

    • National data

    • Call the EU from home

    • 32 GB of data in the EU

    • 50% device insurance

    • 5 GB of shareable data

  • 5G Infinity RED:

    • HUF 17,990/month

    • Unlimited calls and SMS within the country and the EU

    • National data

    • Call the EU from home

    • 34 GB of data in the EU

    • Free roaming in the EU and 72 countries

    • Device discount of HUF 31,500

    • 100% device insurance

    • 10 GB of shareable data

Prepaid :

Vodafone Prepaid Plans in Hungary

  • Go light+:

    • Price: HUF 3,990 per month

    • 130 minutes or SMS to all networks

    • 3 GB of scrollable national and EU data

  • Go Midi+:

    • Price: 6,590 HUF per month

    • Unlimited minutes and SMS within the network

    • 150 minutes or off-network SMS

    • 5 GB of scrollable national and EU data

  • Go Super+:

    • Price: 9,990 HUF per month

    • Unlimited minutes and SMS to all networks

    • 7 GB of scrollable national and EU data

  • Go calmly+:

    • Price: 4,990 HUF per month

    • 50 minutes within the network

    • 20 GB of scrollable national and EU data

  • TUTI100 recharge card:

    • 100 MB of free data renewed every 30 days

    • Nationwide calls at 19 HUF per minute

    • SMS nationwide at 25 HUF per message

    • 60 free minutes per week with the TUTI Hétfő option


Company : Digi
Website :  Digi

Phone : 1272
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Experience Telecommunication Excellence with Digi in Hungary

In Hungary, the telecommunications industry is evolving, and Digi is taking the lead. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and an ever-expanding network, Digi is setting new standards for connectivity. Let's explore the comprehensive services and unwavering dedication that make Digi Hungary a top choice for both individuals and businesses.

About Digi:
Digi Hungary: Your Trusted Telecommunications Partner Digi Hungary is a renowned name in the telecommunications arena, known for its comprehensive range of services and cutting-edge technologies. As a significant player in the industry, Digi offers a wide array of services, from mobile and fixed-line solutions to high-speed internet and television services, meeting the diverse needs of Hungary's communities.

Discover Digi's Full Spectrum of Services for Hungary. Digi offers a comprehensive portfolio of services to cater to the diverse requirements of Hungary's communities. Its mobile and fixed-line solutions are complemented by high-speed internet services and advanced television offerings. Digi ensures that you are well-equipped for today's and tomorrow's demands.

Network Coverage:
Connecting Hungary Seamlessly: Digi's Expansive Network Coverage. One of Digi's key strengths is its vast network coverage, which ensures seamless connectivity across Hungary. Whether you're in bustling Budapest or the serene countryside, Digi's network keeps you connected. Learn how Digi's dedication to expanding and enhancing its coverage is changing the landscape of telecommunications in Hungary.

Pioneering Telecommunications Innovation in Hungary: Digi's Vision. Digi is at the forefront of driving innovation in Hungary's telecommunications sector. The company invests in state-of-the-art technologies, including 5G, IoT, and AI, to provide cutting-edge solutions to its customers. By developing smarter, more connected communities, Digi is actively shaping Hungary's digital future.

Quality Assurance:
Quality Assured: Digi's Commitment to Excellence in Hungary. Digi places a strong emphasis on quality assurance in its services in Hungary. The company prides itself on delivering top-notch telecommunications solutions, ensuring that customers receive the highest level of service quality. Discover how Digi stands out in the Hungarian telecommunications industry.

Customer Satisfaction:
Your Satisfaction Matters: Digi's Exceptional Customer Service in Hungary. At Digi Hungary, customer satisfaction is a top priority. The company goes the extra mile to provide outstanding customer service, ensuring that every interaction is a positive one. Explore how Digi's customer-centric approach sets it apart in Hungary's competitive telecommunications market.

Choose Digi for Exceptional Telecommunications in Hungary. In conclusion, Digi is more than a telecommunications provider in Hungary; it's a driving force behind the country's digital evolution. With a rich history of innovation, a dedication to quality, and a commitment to delivering a seamless customer experience, Digi offers not just connectivity, but a vision for a more connected future in Hungary. Choose Digi for exceptional telecommunications services in Hungary, and experience excellence in every connection.

Plans :

Digi plans in Hungary


    • DIGINET 1000: Download speed of 1000/300 Mbit/s

    • DIGITV: 103 digital channels and 41 HD channels

    • DIGITEL 250: Rate for local and national calls at 4 Ft/min and calls to national mobile phones at 6 Ft/min


    • DIGINET 500: Download speed of 500/300 Mbit/s

    • DIGITV: 103 digital channels and 41 HD channels

    • DIGITEL 250: Rate for local and national calls at 4 Ft/min and calls to national mobile phones at 6 Ft/min


    • DIGINET 100: Download speed of 100/100 Mbit/s

    • DIGITV: 103 digital channels and 41 HD channels

    • DIGITEL 250: Rate for local and national calls at 4 Ft/min and calls to national mobile phones at 6 Ft/min


Company : NMHH
Website :  NMHH

Phone : (06 1) 457 7100
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Navigating Hungary's Digital Landscape with NMHH: Your Trusted Regulatory Partner

In Hungary, where the digital landscape is ever-evolving, the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) plays a pivotal role in shaping and regulating the realm. As Hungary's leading regulatory authority for media and telecommunications, NMHH's commitment to innovation and connectivity has a profound impact on the nation's digital future. Let's delve into NMHH's extensive responsibilities, unwavering dedication, and their pivotal role in Hungary's digital evolution.

About NMHH:
NMHH: The Vanguard of Digital Regulation in Hungary NMHH, the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, is Hungary's premier regulatory body, entrusted with overseeing and shaping the digital landscape of the country. NMHH plays a multifaceted role in the regulation of electronic communications, broadcasting, and media services in Hungary. With a mission to ensure a fair and competitive market while protecting consumer interests, NMHH's significance in Hungary's digital arena cannot be overstated.

Regulatory Responsibilities:
NMHH's Vast Regulatory Mandate in Hungary NMHH's regulatory mandate in Hungary encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, including the supervision of electronic communications, management of scarce resources like the radio spectrum, and ensuring the adherence of media outlets to legal and ethical standards. NMHH works diligently to foster an environment of innovation and competition while safeguarding the interests of Hungarian citizens.

Ensuring Fair Competition:
NMHH's Role in Fostering Fair Competition in Hungary One of NMHH's core objectives in Hungary is to ensure fair competition within the digital market. The authority acts as a guardian, enforcing rules and regulations to create a level playing field for telecommunications and media service providers. This, in turn, promotes innovation and better services for Hungarian consumers.

Consumer Protection:
NMHH's Commitment to Protecting Consumers in Hungary NMHH places a strong emphasis on consumer protection, working tirelessly to ensure that Hungarian citizens have access to a diverse range of media and telecommunications services. The authority's initiatives range from safeguarding children from harmful content to implementing policies that promote affordable and accessible services for all.

Transparency and Accountability:
NMHH's Commitment to Transparency and Accountability in Hungary NMHH operates transparently and accountably in Hungary, setting an example for regulatory bodies worldwide. The authority is dedicated to ensuring that its processes and decisions are open to public scrutiny, ultimately contributing to the integrity of the digital ecosystem in Hungary.

NMHH: Navigating Hungary's Digital Future with Excellence In conclusion, the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) stands as a cornerstone of Hungary's digital realm. With a wide-reaching regulatory mandate, a commitment to fairness and competition, and a strong focus on consumer protection, NMHH is guiding Hungary's digital landscape towards a future of innovation and accessibility. NMHH is not just a regulator; it is a pivotal force in shaping Hungary's digital future with transparency, accountability, and a dedication to excellence.

Phones in Hungary

Phones in Hungary . (36) Find the best mobile phone companies in Hungary. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. HU List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Hungary : Bacs-Kiskun, Baranya, Bekes, Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen, Budapest, Csongrad, Debrecen, Fejer, Gyor-Moson-Sopron, Hajdu-Bihar, Heves, Komarom-Esztergom, Miskolc, Nograd, Pecs, Pest, Somogy, Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg, Szeged, Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Tolna, Vas, Veszprem, Zala, Gyor, Bekescsaba, Dunaujvaros, Eger, Hodmezovasarhely, Kaposvar, Kecskemet, Nagykanizsa, Nyiregyhaza, Sopron, Szekesfehervar, Szolnok, Szombathely, Tatabanya, Veszprem, Zalaegerszeg, Salgotarjan, Szekszard, Erd

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Hungary :






What is the best mobile phone company in Hungary?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Hungary.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Hungary offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Hungary 36 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
Hungary find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
HU Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
White Pages
Hungary Find address and telephones numbers.
36 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. HUN
Search in Hungary :


iso2 : HU
iso3 : HUN
Country : Hungary
Lat : 47.1625
Long : 19.5033
Population : 9660350
Latitude: 47.1625, Longitude: 19.5033, ISO: Hungary (HU) - Population : 9660350

ISO-Numeric : 348
Country : Hungary
Capital : Budapest
Area km2 : 93030
Population : 9768785
Continent : EU
Internet : .hu
Currency Code : HUF
Currency Name : Forint
Phone : 36
Postal Code Format : ####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{4})$
Languages : hu-HU
Geo : 719819
Neighbours countries : SK,SI,RO,UA,HR,AT,RS
Phones in Hungary
- Where to find Phones in Hungary? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Hungary
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
. Find phones in Hungary. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones
in Hungary. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Hungary Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Hungary
to locate Phones in Hungary Business Directory. Where to search business in Hungary? Use the list of yellow pages in Hungary to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Hungary.
- How to call to Hungary? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Hungary
to find phone numbers in Hungary. Where to find people in Hungary? How can I find people in Hungary? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Hungary. Where to search Phones in Hungary?
can I find a phone number in Hungary ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
Maps of Hungary - Location and Map of Hungary. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones in Hungary - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Hungary. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
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