Phone Codes of Italy |
Phone Codes of Italy+39 IT - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp |
Italy Codes : (+39) IT / ITA - Italian phone codes. Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies. |
(+39) Italy Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts |
.IT is the country code for internet and national web sites |
Area codes in ItalyInternational Call Prefix : 00 Area codes in Italy are administered by Telecom Italia : |
Zone 1 - Liguria, Piedmont, and Aosta Valley |
Zone 2 - City of Milan and nearby areas |
Zone 3 - Eastern Piedmont and Rest of Lombardy |
Zone 4 - Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
Zone 5 - Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany |
Zone 6 - City of Rome, Vatican City and nearby areas |
Zone 7 - Marche, Lazio, Umbria and Sardinia |
Zone 8 - Abruzzo, Molise, Campania and Apulia |
Zone 9 - Calabria, Sicily, Basilicata, rest of Apulia |
Zone 1 - Liguria, Piedmont, and Aosta Valley |
010 - City of Genoa and surroundings |
011 - City of Turin and surroundings |
0122 - Province of Turin, mountain resorts on the West |
0125 - Province of Turin, Ivrea area |
0131 - Province of Alessandria |
0141 - Province of Asti |
015 - Province of Biella |
0161 - Province of Vercelli |
0165 - Aosta Valley, regional capital and Courmayeur |
0166 - Aosta Valley, Cervinia |
0173 - Province of Cuneo |
0183 - Province of Imperia |
0185 - Province of Genoa except the provincial capital |
0187 - Province of La Spezia |
Zone 2 - City of Milan and nearby areas |
02 - City of Milan and surroundings, parts of the Province of Varese and Province of Como |
Zone 3 - Eastern Piedmont and Rest of Lombardy |
030 - Province of Brescia - City of Brescia, Franciacorta, valle Trompia and southern province |
031 - Province of Como |
0321 - Province of Novara including provincial capital |
0322 - Province of Novara - Borgomanero area |
0324 - Province of Verbano-Cusio Ossola |
0331 - Province of Varese - area of Busto Arsizio |
0332 - Province of Varese |
0341 - Province of Lecco |
0342 - Province of Sondrio including provincial capital |
0343 - Province of Sondrio - area of Chiavenna |
0344 - Province of Como - area of Menaggio |
0346 - Province of Bergamo |
035 - Province of Bergamo including provincial capital |
0362 - Province of Cremona |
0362 - Province of Monza - area of Seregno |
0363 - Provinces of Bergamo and Cremona |
0364 - Province of Brescia - area of Valle Camonica and Breno |
0365 - Province of Brescia - Lake Garda and Valle Sabbia, area of Salò) |
0371 - Province of Lodi and a few villages in Province of Milan |
0372 - Province of Cremona including provincial capital |
0373 - Province of Cremona - area of Crema |
0376 - Province of Mantua |
0382 - Province of Pavia |
039 - Province of Monza including provincial capital |
Zone 4 - Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
040 - Province of Trieste including regional/provincial capital |
041 - City of Venice including landside Mestre area |
0421 - Province of Venice - area of San Donà di Piave |
0422 - Province of Treviso |
0424 - Province of Vicenza - area of Bassano del Grappa |
0432 - Province of Udine |
0444 - Province of Vicenza, including provincial capital |
0445 - Province of Vicenza - area of Schio |
045 - Province of Verona |
0461 - Province of Trento |
0471 - Province of Bolzano/Bozen |
0481 - Province of Gorizia |
049 - Province of Padova |
Zone 5 - Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany |
050 - Province of Pisa |
051 - Province of Bologna |
0522 - Province of Reggio Emilia |
0523 - Province of Piacenza |
0532 - Province of Ferrara |
0541 - Province of Rimini |
0543 - Province of Forlì-Cesena |
0545 - Province of Ravenna |
0549 - Republic of San Marino (only Telecom Italia landlines) |
055 - City of Florence and surroundings |
0565 - Province of Livorno |
0574 - Province of Prato |
0575 - Province of Arezzo |
0577 - Province of Siena |
0583 - Province of Lucca |
0585 - Province of Massa-Carrara |
0586 - Province of Livorno |
059 - Province of Modena |
Zone 6 - City of Rome, Vatican City and nearby areas |
06 - City of Rome and surroundings, parts of Province of Rome and Vatican City |
Zone 7 - Marche, Lazio, Umbria and Sardinia |
070 - Province of Cagliari |
071 - Province of Ancona |
0731 - Province of Ancona - area of Jesi |
0732 - Province of Ancona - area of Fabriano |
0733 - Province of Macerata, including provincial capital |
0734 - Province of Fermo |
0735 - Province of Ascoli Piceno - area of San Benedetto del Tronto |
0737 - Province of Macerata - area of Camerino |
0774 - Province of Rome - area of Tivoli |
075 - Province of Perugia |
0776 - Province of Frosinone |
0783 - Province of Oristano |
0789 - Province of Sassari - area of Olbia and Costa Smeralda |
079 - Province of Sassari, including provincial capital and Alghero |
Zone 8 - Abruzzo, Molise, Campania and Apulia |
080 - City of Bari and surroundings |
081 - City of Napoli, Naples and surroundings |
0823 - Province of Caserta |
0832 - Province of Lecce |
085 - Province of Pescara |
0862 - Province of L'Aquila |
0865 - Province of Isernia |
0874 - Province of Campobasso |
0881 - Province of Foggia, including provincial capital |
0882 - Province of Foggia - areas of Apricena, San Giovanni Rotondo, Tremiti> isles |
0883 - Province of Andria . Barletta , Trani |
0884 - Province of Foggia - areas of Rodi Garganico, Vieste and Manfredonia |
089 - Province of Salerno |
Zone 9 - Calabria, Sicily, Basilicata, rest of Apulia |
090 - Province of Messina |
091 - City of Palermo and surroundings |
0921 - Province of Palermo |
0933 - Province of Caltanissetta |
0924 - Province of Trapani |
0925 - Province of Agrigento |
0934 - Provinces of Caltanissetta and Enna |
0942 - Province of Catania - area of Taormina |
095 - City of Catania and surroundings |
0961 - Province of Catanzaro |
0962 - Province of Crotone |
0963 - Province of Vibo Valentia |
0965 - Province of Reggio Calabria |
0975 - Province of Potenza |
099 - Province of Taranto |
Area codes in Italy - Italian area code. General Information and References |
Italy |
Rome - 06 |
Milan - 02 |
Genoa - 010 |
Turin - 011 |
Turin, mountain resorts on the West - 0122 |
Turin, Ivrea area - 0125 |
Alessandria - 0131 |
Asti - 0141 |
Biella - 015 |
Vercelli - 0161 |
Aosta Valley, regional capital and Courmayeur - 0165 |
Aosta Valley, Cervinia - 0166 |
Cuneo - 0173 |
Imperia - 0183 |
Genoa except the provincial capital - 0185 |
La Spezia - 0187 |
Brescia - Brescia, Franciacorta, valle Trompia and southern province - 030 |
Como - 031 |
Novara capital - 0321 |
Novara - Borgomanero - 0322 |
Verbano - Cusio Ossola - 0324 |
Varese - Busto Arsizio - 0331 |
Varese - 0332 |
Lecco - 0341 |
Sondrio capital - 0342 |
Sondrio - Chiavenna - 0343 |
Como - Menaggio - 0344 |
Bergamo - 0346 |
Bergamo capital - 035 |
Cremona - 0362 |
Monza - Seregno - 0362 |
Bergamo - 0363 |
Cremona - 0363 |
Brescia - Valle Camonica and Breno - 0364 |
Brescia - Lake Garda and Valle Sabbia, Salò - 0365 |
Lodi and few Milan - 0371 |
Cremona capital - 0372 |
Cremona - Crema - 0373 |
Mantua - 0376 |
Pavia - 0382 |
Monza capital - 039 |
Trieste capital - 040 |
Venice - Mestre - 041 |
Venice San Donà di Piave - 0421 |
Treviso - Bassano del Grappa - 0422 |
Vicenza - 0424 |
Udine - 0432 |
Vicenza, capital - 0444 |
Vicenza - Schio - 0445 |
Verona - 045 |
Trento - 0461 |
Bolzano - Bozen - 0471 |
Gorizia - 0481 |
Padova - 049 |
Pisa - 050 |
Bologna - 051 |
Reggio Emilia - 0522 |
Piacenza - 0523 |
Ferrara - 0532 |
Rimini - 0541 |
Forli - Cesena - 0543 |
Ravenna - 0545 |
Florence - 055 |
Livorno - 0565 |
Prato - 0574 |
Arezzo - 0575 |
Siena - 0577 |
Lucca - 0583 |
Massa - Carrara - 0585 |
Livorno - 0586 |
Modena - 059 |
Cagliari - 070 |
Ancona - 071 |
Ancona - Jesi - 0731 |
Ancona - Fabriano - 0732 |
Macerata - 0733 |
Fermo - 0734 |
Ascoli Piceno - San Benedetto del Tronto - 0735 |
Macerata - Camerino - 0737 |
Rome - Tivoli - 0774 |
Perugia - 075 |
Frosinone - 0776 |
Oristano - 0783 |
Sassari - Olbia and Costa Smeralda - 0789 |
Sassari, Alghero - 079 |
Bari - 080 |
Napoli (Naples) - 081 |
Caserta - 0823 |
Lecce - 0832 |
Pescara - 085 |
Isernia - 0865 |
Campobasso - 0874 |
Foggia capital - 0881 |
Foggia, Apricena, San Giovanni Rotondo, Tremiti isles - 0882 |
Andria Barletta Trani - 0883 |
Foggia - Rodi Garganico, Vieste and Manfredonia - 0884 |
Salerno - 089 |
Messina - 090 |
City Palermo - 091 |
Province Palermo - 0921 |
Caltanissetta - 0933 |
Trapani - 0924 |
Agrigento - 0925 |
Caltanissetta - 0934 |
Enna - 0934 |
Catania - Taormina - 0942 |
Catania - 095 |
Catanzaro - 0961 |
Crotone - 0962 |
Vibo Valentia - 0963 |
Reggio Calabria - 0965 |
Potenza - 0975 |
Taranto - 099 |
Varese Province (part) - 02 |
Como Province (part) - 02 |
Republic of San Marino (only Telecom Italia landlines) - 0549 |
Vatican City - 06 |
Prefisso Telefonico Italiano. Elenco degli indicativi geografici in Italia |
Italy Country Code: +39 |
International Call Prefix: 00 to dial outside Italy |
Area codes in Italy are administered by Telecom Italia |
Zone 1 - Liguria, Piedmont, and Aosta Valley |
010 – City of Genoa and surroundings |
011 – City of Turin and surroundings |
0122 – Province of Turin, mountain resorts on the West |
0125 – Province of Turin, Ivrea area |
0131 – Province of Alessandria |
0141 – Province of Asti |
015 – Province of Biella |
0161 – Province of Vercelli |
0165 – Aosta Valley, regional capital and Courmayeur |
0166 – Aosta Valley, Cervinia |
0173 – Province of Cuneo |
0183 – Province of Imperia |
0185 – Province of Genoa except the provincial capital |
0187 – Province of La Spezia |
Zone 2 - City of Milan and nearby areas |
02 – City of Milan and surroundings, parts of the Province of Varese and Province of Como |
Zone 3 - Eastern Piedmont and Rest of Lombardy |
030 – Province of Brescia – City of Brescia, Franciacorta, valle Trompia and southern province |
031 – Province of Como |
0321 – Province of Novara including provincial capital |
0322 – Province of Novara - Borgomanero area |
0324 – Province of Verbano-Cusio Ossola |
0331 – Province of Varese – area of Busto Arsizio |
0332 – Province of Varese |
0341 – Province of Lecco |
0342 – Province of Sondrio including provincial capital |
0343 – Province of Sondrio – area of Chiavenna |
0344 – Province of Como – area of Menaggio |
0346 – Province of Bergamo |
035 – Province of Bergamo including provincial capital |
0362 – Province of Cremona |
0362 – Province of Monza - area of Seregno |
0363 – Provinces of Bergamo and Cremona |
0364 – Province of Brescia – area of Valle Camonica and Breno |
0365 – Province of Brescia – Lake Garda and Valle Sabbia, area of Salò) |
0371 – Province of Lodi and a few villages in Province of Milan |
0372 – Province of Cremona including provincial capital |
0373 – Province of Cremona - area of Crema |
0376 – Province of Mantua |
0382 – Province of Pavia |
039 – Province of Monza including provincial capital |
Zone 4 - Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
040 – Province of Trieste including regional/provincial capital |
041 – City of Venice including landside Mestre area |
0421 – Province of Venice - area of San Donà di Piave |
0422 – Province of Treviso |
0424 – Province of Vicenza - area of Bassano del Grappa |
0432 – Province of Udine |
0444 – Province of Vicenza, including provincial capital |
0445 – Province of Vicenza - area of Schio |
045 – Province of Verona |
0461 – Province of Trento |
0471 – Province of Bolzano/Bozen |
0481 – Province of Gorizia |
049 – Province of Padova |
Zone 5 - Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany
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050 - Province of Pisa |
051 – Province of Bologna |
0522 – Province of Reggio Emilia |
0523 – Province of Piacenza |
0532 – Province of Ferrara |
0541 – Province of Rimini |
0543 – Province of Forlì-Cesena |
0545 – Province of Ravenna |
0549 – Republic of San Marino (only Telecom Italia landlines) |
055 - City of Florence and surroundings |
0565 - Province of Livorno |
0574 – Province of Prato |
0575 – Province of Arezzo |
0577 – Province of Siena |
0583 – Province of Lucca |
0585 – Province of Massa-Carrara |
0586 – Province of Livorno |
059 – Province of Modena |
Zone 6 - City of Rome, Vatican City and nearby areas |
06 – City of Rome and surroundings, parts of Province of Rome and Vatican City |
Zone 7 - Marche, Lazio, Umbria and Sardinia |
070 – Province of Cagliari |
071 – Province of Ancona |
0731 – Province of Ancona - area of Jesi |
0732 – Province of Ancona - area of Fabriano |
0733 – Province of Macerata, including provincial capital |
0734 – Province of Fermo |
0735 – Province of Ascoli Piceno - area of San Benedetto del Tronto |
0737 – Province of Macerata - area of Camerino |
0774 – Province of Rome - area of Tivoli |
075 – Province of Perugia |
0776 – Province of Frosinone |
0783 – Province of Oristano |
0789 – Province of Sassari - area of Olbia and Costa Smeralda |
079 – Province of Sassari, including provincial capital and Alghero |
Zone 8 - Abruzzo, Molise, Campania and Apulia |
080 – City of Bari and surroundings |
081 – City of Napoli (Naples) and surroundings |
0823 – Province of Caserta |
0832 – Province of Lecce |
085 – Province of Pescara |
0865 – Province of Isernia |
0874 – Province of Campobasso |
0881 – Province of Foggia, including provincial capital |
0882 – Province of Foggia - areas of Apricena, San Giovanni Rotondo, Tremiti isles |
0883 – Province of Andria Barletta Trani |
0884 – Province of Foggia - areas of Rodi Garganico, Vieste and Manfredonia |
089 – Province of Salerno |
Zone 9 - Calabria, Sicily, Basilicata, rest of Apulia |
090 - Province of Messina |
091 - City of Palermo and surroundings |
0921 - Province of Palermo |
0933 - Province of Caltanissetta |
0924 - Province of Trapani |
0925 - Province of Agrigento |
0934 - Provinces of Caltanissetta and Enna |
0942 - Province of Catania - area of Taormina |
095 - City of Catania and surroundings |
0961 - Province of Catanzaro |
0962 - Province of Crotone |
0963 - Province of Vibo Valentia |
0965 - Province of Reggio Calabria |
0975 - Province of Potenza |
099 - Province of Taranto |
Italy Phones - News - Italy Telephones |
Italy Country Code: +39 00000000000000000 |
Choose the province or city or to find more information. |
Italy Phone Codes By City - |
Italy Country Code: +39 |
International Call Prefix: 00 to dial outside Italy |
Area codes in Italy are administered by Telecom Italia |
Zone 1 - Liguria, Piedmont, and Aosta Valley |
010 – City of Genoa and surroundings |
011 – City of Turin and surroundings |
0122 – Province of Turin, mountain resorts on the West |
0125 – Province of Turin, Ivrea area |
0131 – Province of Alessandria |
0141 – Province of Asti |
015 – Province of Biella |
0161 – Province of Vercelli |
0165 – Aosta Valley, regional capital and Courmayeur |
0166 – Aosta Valley, Cervinia |
0173 – Province of Cuneo |
0183 – Province of Imperia |
0185 – Province of Genoa except the provincial capital |
0187 – Province of La Spezia |
Zone 2 - City of Milan and nearby areas |
02 – City of Milan and surroundings, parts of the Province of Varese and Province of Como |
Zone 3 - Eastern Piedmont and Rest of Lombardy |
030 – Province of Brescia – City of Brescia, Franciacorta, valle Trompia and southern province |
031 – Province of Como |
0321 – Province of Novara including provincial capital |
0322 – Province of Novara - Borgomanero area |
0324 – Province of Verbano-Cusio Ossola |
0331 – Province of Varese – area of Busto Arsizio |
0332 – Province of Varese |
0341 – Province of Lecco |
0342 – Province of Sondrio including provincial capital |
0343 – Province of Sondrio – area of Chiavenna |
0344 – Province of Como – area of Menaggio |
0346 – Province of Bergamo |
035 – Province of Bergamo including provincial capital |
0362 – Province of Cremona |
0362 – Province of Monza - area of Seregno |
0363 – Provinces of Bergamo and Cremona |
0364 – Province of Brescia – area of Valle Camonica and Breno |
0365 – Province of Brescia – Lake Garda and Valle Sabbia, area of Salò) |
0371 – Province of Lodi and a few villages in Province of Milan |
0372 – Province of Cremona including provincial capital |
0373 – Province of Cremona - area of Crema |
0376 – Province of Mantua |
0382 – Province of Pavia |
039 – Province of Monza including provincial capital |
Zone 4 - Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia |
040 – Province of Trieste including regional/provincial capital |
041 – City of Venice including landside Mestre area |
0421 – Province of Venice - area of San Donà di Piave |
0422 – Province of Treviso |
0424 – Province of Vicenza - area of Bassano del Grappa |
0432 – Province of Udine |
0444 – Province of Vicenza, including provincial capital |
0445 – Province of Vicenza - area of Schio |
045 – Province of Verona |
0461 – Province of Trento |
0471 – Province of Bolzano/Bozen |
0481 – Province of Gorizia |
049 – Province of Padova |
Zone 5 - Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany
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050 - Province of Pisa |
051 – Province of Bologna |
0522 – Province of Reggio Emilia |
0523 – Province of Piacenza |
0532 – Province of Ferrara |
0541 – Province of Rimini |
0543 – Province of Forlì-Cesena |
0545 – Province of Ravenna |
0549 – Republic of San Marino (only Telecom Italia landlines) |
055 - City of Florence and surroundings |
0565 - Province of Livorno |
0574 – Province of Prato |
0575 – Province of Arezzo |
0577 – Province of Siena |
0583 – Province of Lucca |
0585 – Province of Massa-Carrara |
0586 – Province of Livorno |
059 – Province of Modena |
Zone 6 - City of Rome, Vatican City and nearby areas |
06 – City of Rome and surroundings, parts of Province of Rome and Vatican City |
Zone 7 - Marche, Lazio, Umbria and Sardinia |
070 – Province of Cagliari |
071 – Province of Ancona |
0731 – Province of Ancona - area of Jesi |
0732 – Province of Ancona - area of Fabriano |
0733 – Province of Macerata, including provincial capital |
0734 – Province of Fermo |
0735 – Province of Ascoli Piceno - area of San Benedetto del Tronto |
0737 – Province of Macerata - area of Camerino |
0774 – Province of Rome - area of Tivoli |
075 – Province of Perugia |
0776 – Province of Frosinone |
0783 – Province of Oristano |
0789 – Province of Sassari - area of Olbia and Costa Smeralda |
079 – Province of Sassari, including provincial capital and Alghero |
Zone 8 - Abruzzo, Molise, Campania and Apulia |
080 – City of Bari and surroundings |
081 – City of Napoli (Naples) and surroundings |
0823 – Province of Caserta |
0832 – Province of Lecce |
085 – Province of Pescara |
0865 – Province of Isernia |
0874 – Province of Campobasso |
0881 – Province of Foggia, including provincial capital |
0882 – Province of Foggia - areas of Apricena, San Giovanni Rotondo, Tremiti isles |
0883 – Province of Andria Barletta Trani |
0884 – Province of Foggia - areas of Rodi Garganico, Vieste and Manfredonia |
089 – Province of Salerno |
Zone 9 - Calabria, Sicily, Basilicata, rest of Apulia |
090 - Province of Messina |
091 - City of Palermo and surroundings |
0921 - Province of Palermo |
0933 - Province of Caltanissetta |
0924 - Province of Trapani |
0925 - Province of Agrigento |
0934 - Provinces of Caltanissetta and Enna |
0942 - Province of Catania - area of Taormina |
095 - City of Catania and surroundings |
0961 - Province of Catanzaro |
0962 - Province of Crotone |
0963 - Province of Vibo Valentia |
0965 - Province of Reggio Calabria |
0975 - Province of Potenza |
099 - Province of Taranto |
Abruzzo - Location : 42.35122196,13.39843823 |
Basilicata - Location : 40.63947052,15.80514834 |
Calabria - Location : 38.90597598,16.59440194 |
Campania - Location : 40.83956555,14.25084984 |
Emilia-Romagna - Location : 44.49436681,11.341720800000001 |
Friuli Venezia Giulia - Location : 45.6494354,13.76813649 |
Lazio - Location : 41.89277044,12.48366722 |
Liguria - Location : 44.41149315,8.9326992 |
Lombardia - Location : 45.46679409,9.190347404 |
Marche - Location : 43.61675973,13.5188753,6774 |
Molise - Location : 41.55774754,14.65916051 |
P.A. Bolzano - Location : 46.49933453,11.35662422 |
P.A. Trento - Location : 46.06893511,11.12123097 |
Piemonte - Location : 45.0732745,7.680687483 |
Puglia - Location : 41.12559576,16.86736689 |
Sardegna - Location : 39.21531192,9.110616306 |
Sicilia - Location : 38.11569725,13.362356699999998 |
Toscana - Location : 43.76923077,11.25588885 |
Umbria - Location : 43.10675841,12.38824698 |
Valle d'Aosta - Location : 45.73750286,7.320149366 |
Veneto - Location : 45.43490485,12.33845213 ----- country-timezones ----- |
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