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Germany - Phone Numbers

Telephone numbers in Germany

Germany telephone numbers
Location of Germany (dark green
Country - Germany
Continent - Europe
Access codes
Country calling - +49
International prefix - 00
Trunk prefix - 0
Dial plan
Regulator - Bundesnetzagentur
Type - Open
NSN length - 3 to 12
Typical format - (0xx…) xxx…
The German telephone numbering plan is regulated by the German government's Federal Network Agency ( German:Bundesnetzagentur, BNetzA), which holds the responsibility for telecommunications and other infrastructure systems.
1 - Overview
2 - Geographic numbering
3 - Non-geographic numbering
3.1 - Emergency and Network Services
4 - History
6 -
There are no standard lengths for either area codes or subscribers' numbers in Germany, meaning that some subscribers' numbers may be as short as three digits.

Phone numbers in Germany generally have a variable length:Except for some non-geographic area codes, whose subscriber numbers use a fixed format, it is not possible to unambiguously determine the end of a phone number from a prefix or the digits already dialled. This unique feature also allows to extend the length of phone numbers without revoking or changing existing numbers.

There are 5200 geographical area codes, the length of which varies from two to five digits (not including the 0 trunk code), with five-digit area codes only being assigned in the New States (prefix 03 ). In general, geographic area codes start with digits (0)2 to (0)9 , whereas other non-geographic “area codes” are assigned to (0)1 and network services to 11' 1 :

Prefix - Service type
01 :Non-geographic area codes
02 :Geographic area codes around Düsseldorf
03 :Geographic area codes around Berlin, except 031 and 032
04 :Geographic area codes around Hamburg
05 :Geographic area codes around Hannover
06 :Geographic area codes around Frankfurt am Main
07 :Geographic area codes around Stuttgart, except 0700
08 :Geographic area codes around Munich, except 0800
09 :Geographic area codes around Nuremberg, except 0900
11 :Network services
Geographic numbering
Main article:Area codes in Germany
Geographic area codes have a length of two to five digits (not including the 0 trunk code). The maximum total length is eleven digits (not including the 0 trunk code).

Geographic numbers are assigned to carriers in blocks, from which these carriers can make derivative assignments to subscribers.

Subscriber numbers do not start with 0 or 11 and can be called directly from landlines within the same geographic area code.

Originally, the first digits following the area code would indicate a smaller area within these area codes or the type of the subscriber line (analogue or ISDN). However, this is no longer true as subscribers can keep their numbers when moving within an area code or when switching from analogue to ISDN. Further, new carriers assign numbers from different blocks.

(0xx) xxxxxxxx
This is the format used for the for four largest geographic areas in Germany:Berlin (030), Hamburg (040), Frankfurt (069) and Munich (089). Newly assigned numbers have a length of eight digits for the local subscriber number, yielding a total length of ten digits (not including the 0 trunk code). This is shorter than the maximum of eleven digits in other areas in order to avoid local numbers to be longer than eight digits. Numbers assigned in the past, which are generally grandfathered, may be as short as five digits.
(0xxx) xxxxxxxxx
In area codes that use three digits, newly assigned numbers (from May 2010) also have a length of eight digits, yielding a total length of eleven digits. Grandfathered numbers may be as short as four digits (seven total).
(0xxxx) xxxxxxxx
In area codes that use four digits, newly assigned numbers (from May 2010) have a length of seven digits, also yielding a total length of eleven digits. Grandfathered numbers may be as short as three digits (seven total).
(03xxxx) xxxxxx
Some smaller areas in the New States use five-digit area codes, all of which start with 3 . Newly assigned numbers (from May 2010) have a length of six digits, also yielding a total length of eleven digits.
Non-geographic numbering
Main article:Area codes in Germany
Non-geographic numbers were originally assigned the prefix 01 . However, some of these services have been moved to other area codes.
010xy , 0100yy
These numbers can be dialled in front of the actual phone number in order to select a carrier (call-by-call).
Area codes starting with 011 overlap the prefix for network services . In general, these numbers cannot be dialled from abroad, with the exception being 0116xxx (or +49-116xxx) for harmonised services of social value.
The prefix 012 has been assigned as a testbed for innovative services such as VoIP or unified messaging, for which no other area codes were available. Allocations were only valid for a maximum of five years, after which new numbers would have to be assigned. Recent requests for registrations have been declined and referred to the premium-rate services under 0900 . When the last remaining allocation expires in 2011, the prefix is planned to be returned to the reserved range.
0137-xxx xxxxxxx , ( 0138-1xxx…
The area code 0137 is assigned for services, which may result in a high number of connections in a fairly short period of time, e. g. votes or competitions initiated from TV or radio shows. The first digit indicates the rate for a call, the second digit indicates the maximum number of calls that can be handled per time period. There are also sixteen 1 grandfathered numbers in the range 0138-1 , which have originally been allocated by Deutsche Bundespost.
015xx-xxxxxxx , 016xx-xxxxxxx , 017xx-xxxxxxx
Mobile numbers are allocated area codes starting with 015, 016 and 017. The numbers generally have a total length of eleven digits.
Prefix(ex) - Assigned to - MNP
0150 :Group3G (Quam) (GSM/UMTS), defunct - no
0151 , 0160 , 0170 , 0171 , 0175 :T-Mobile (GSM/UMTS) - yes
0152 , 0162 , 0172 , 0173 , 0174 :Vodafone D2 (GSM/UMTS) - yes
0155 , 0157 , 0163 , 0177 , 0178 :E-Plus (GSM/UMTS, 0157-0 used for MVNO ViStream, 0157-5 for Ring Mobilfunk) - yes
0159 , 0176 , 0179 :o2 Germany (GSM/UMTS) - yes
0161 :reserved, originally 1G cell phones (C-Netz) - no
0164 , 0168 , 0169 :e*message (pagers) - no
0167 :trunked radio systems, currently no assignments - no
018xx-xxxxxxx … 018xxxxxxx-xx
The prefix 018 is used for user groups . The length of the block number and the terminal number is flexible from two to seven digits. However, the sum is always nine digits, yielding a total length of eleven digits including the 18 .
The area code 0180 is used for service-orientated services such as call centres, hotlines, etc. Prior to 2010-03-01, these numbers were known as shared cost services , a name that had been obsoleted by falling prices for national calls.
Prefix - Rate - rate from landlines - rate from mobile phones
0180-1 :time-based rate 1 - 0,039 €/min. - max. 0,42 €/min.
0180-2 :per-call rate 1 - 0,06 €/call - max. 0,42 €/min.
0180-3 :time-based rate 2 - 0,09 €/min. - max. 0,42 €/min.
0180-4 :per-call rate 2 - 0,20 €/call - max. 0,42 €/min.
0180-5 :time-based rate 3 - 0,14 €/min. - max. 0,42 €/min.
0181-xxx-x… , 0181-xxxx-x…
The area code 0181 is used for international virtual private networks (international user groups). The length of the IVPN block number is three or four digits;the terminal number may be up to seven digits.
Numbers from 0191 to 0194 are used for dial-up access to online services (e.g. to the Internet).
0198… , 0199…
Numbers starting with 0198 and 0199 are reserved for routing of service numbers and network-internal use.
The numbers 031-0 and 031-1 are test numbers that will reach a recorded announcement indicating the selected carrier for long-distance and local calls, respectively.
National subscriber numbers have been allocated the area code 032. They are similar to geographic numbers but not tied to a specific location, allowing for nomadic use. Unlike personal numbers, national subscriber numbers as assigned to carries in blocks, from which these carriers can make derivative assignments to subscribers. The total length is eleven digits (not counting the 0).
The area code 0700 is used for personal numbering. Unlike national subscriber numbers, the numbers are assigned individually, allowing for vanity numbers.
The area code 0800 is assigned to freephone numbers. The numbers are assigned individually, allowing for vanity numbers.
The area code 0900 is assigned to premium-rate services. The first digit following the area code indicates the service type:
Prefix - Service Type
0900-1 :Information services (no adult content
0900-3 :Entertainment services (no adult content
0900-5 :Other services (including those offering adult content
The numbers are assigned individually, allowing for vanity numbers.
So-called „dialers“, that is programmes that call a premium-rate service or modify a computer's configuration to call such a service must use numbers using the area code 09009. These programmes must also be registered with the Federal Network Agency.

[ Emergency and Network Services

Network services are not dialled with the trunk prefix 0. They resemble local numbers that start with 11 but usually cannot be dialled after an area code.
Police emergencies.
All emergencies (Europe-wide). Originally fire emergencies only.
This number allows uniform access to civil services. Requests are either answered directly or forwarded to the competent authority.
These numbers are reserved for harmonised services of social value. The purpose of these numbers, i.e. the type of service, is defined for all EU Member States by the European Commission.
Directory services.
Medical emergencies. This number is being phased-out as an emergency number in favour of the Europe-wide 112, with 19222 being retained for non-emergency medical transports. Conceptually, this number is not an emergency number but a local number assigned uniformly in all geographic area codes. This requires dialling the area code from mobile phones or other non-geographic lines. (Originally, the block 19xxx was used for local numbers assigned uniformly in all or several geographic area codes. All other allocations have already been converted to ordinary geographic numbers.

In 1992, two years after the German reunification, the phone networks were merged. Geographic numbers in the New States were assigned the area code starting with 03, the area code 030, formerly used by West-Berlin, was assigned to re-unified Berlin.

The German phone network became fully digitised in 1997, allowing more flexible use of the numbering space.

On 1998-01-01, the Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Postal Services (now renamed to Federal Network Agency) became the numbering authority for phone numbers in Germany.

Bundesnetzagentur ( Federal Network Agency ). "Nummerierungskonzept 2009 ( Numbering Concept of 2009 )" (in German) . .
Bundesnetzagentur Federal Network Agency - Telecoms Regulation - Number Management (German) - Regulierung Telekommunikation Nummernverwaltung - 115 as special number
Telephone Numbers in Europe
Telephone numbers in_Germany - General Information and Updated References

Deutsche Telekom

Company : Deutsche Telekom
Website :  Deutsche Telekom

Phone : 0800 3306700 / 0228 / 181-0
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Deutsche Telekom - Connecting Germany with Innovation

Discover the telecommunications leader in Germany, Deutsche Telekom. With a commitment to innovation, Deutsche Telekom offers a comprehensive range of services, including high-speed internet, mobile communication, and entertainment solutions. Experience seamless connectivity and cutting-edge technologies that shape the digital future.

Deutsche Telekom, a powerhouse in the world of telecommunications, has played a pivotal role in shaping the industry in Germany. This article explores the significant contributions of Deutsche Telekom to the telecommunications landscape of the country.

Trusted Telecommunications Provider:

Deutsche Telekom is synonymous with trust in the German telecommunications sector. The company has become a name that customers rely on for diverse communication services.

Mobile Connectivity:

One of Deutsche Telekom's hallmark services is its comprehensive mobile connectivity. The company offers a wide array of mobile plans, ensuring that Germans stay connected, no matter where they are.

Internet Services:

Deutsche Telekom is also a leading provider of high-speed internet services, offering various packages to cater to different speed requirements, ensuring seamless online experiences for customers.

Innovative Technology:

Deutsche Telekom has consistently been at the forefront of technological innovation. The company invests heavily in cutting-edge infrastructure and services, ensuring that Germans have access to state-of-the-art telecommunications technology.

Global Presence:

Deutsche Telekom's influence extends beyond Germany, as it is a key player in the global telecommunications arena. The company's presence reaches numerous countries, contributing to the world's interconnectedness.

Customer-Centric Approach:

Deutsche Telekom places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. Their services are not only of high quality but also tailored to the unique needs of their diverse customer base.

Driving Digital Transformation:

Deutsche Telekom continues to drive digital transformation in Germany and beyond. The company is committed to enabling digital access for individuals and businesses alike, furthering Germany's connectivity in the digital age.


Deutsche Telekom has left an indelible mark on the telecommunications industry in Germany. With a broad range of services, a commitment to innovation, and a focus on customer satisfaction, they have significantly transformed how Germans communicate and access the internet. As a leading global player, Deutsche Telekom continues to shape the future of telecommunications, not just in Germany but also on the global stage.

Plans :

  • Business Card S Plan: 10GB of data. Action: 3 months of free basic price instead of €31.72. Option to add a smartphone with a €50 discount on the device. Exclusive services of the company card, including 30 minutes to the EU and other countries. Services included: 5G, flat rate for calls and SMS, number portability, roaming in the EU (including Switzerland and the United Kingdom), Hot Spot Flat.

  • Business Card M Plan: 20GB of data. Action: 3 months of free basic price instead of €40.05. Option to add a smartphone with a €150 discount on the device. Exclusive services of the company card, including 60 minutes to the EU and other countries, and 1 x MultiSIM. Services included: 5G, flat rate for calls and SMS, number portability, roaming in the EU (including Switzerland and the United Kingdom), Hot Spot Flat.

  • Business Card L Plan: 40GB of data. Action: 3 months of free basic price instead of €47.61. Option to add a smartphone with a €200 discount on the device. Exclusive services of the company card, including 120 minutes to the EU and other countries, and 2 x MultiSIM. Services included: 5G, flat rate for calls and SMS, number portability, roaming in the EU (including Switzerland and the United Kingdom), Hot Spot Flat.

Prepaid :

  • Basic level plan: Business Mobil Data S Flat rate. Monthly cost of €25.17. Unlimited data volume for browsing within Germany. Speed of 3Mbit/s. Ideal for sending emails on the go and holding short online meetings. Roaming included with 28GB monthly data volume available within EU/GB/Switzerland.

  • Worry-free plan: Business Mobil Data L Flat rate. Monthly cost of €58.78. Unlimited data volume for browsing within Germany. Maximum speed. Ideal for longer online meetings, streaming content, or large downloads. Additional roaming included with 66GB monthly high-speed data volume available within EU/GB/Switzerland.


Company : O2
Website :  O2

Phone : 089 21 76 96 04658
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O2 Germany - Empowering Communication Nationwide

O2 Germany stands as a prominent telecommunications provider, empowering communication across the nation. Offering reliable mobile networks, flexible plans, and exceptional customer service, O2 Germany ensures users stay connected with ease. Explore their range of services tailored to meet diverse communication needs. O2 Germany, a prominent telecommunications provider, has played a pivotal role in shaping Germany's communication landscape. This article delves into O2's contributions to the country's telecommunications sector.

A Trusted Name:

O2 has earned a reputation as a trusted name in German telecommunications, known for providing reliable and efficient communication services.

Mobile Excellence:

O2 Germany excels in offering a wide range of mobile services, ensuring that people across Germany are always connected through their mobile devices.

Internet Prowess:

One of O2's key strengths is its high-speed internet services, offering a variety of packages to meet different speed and data needs, enabling seamless online experiences for its customers.

Technological Innovation:

O2 is at the forefront of technological innovation. The company invests in cutting-edge infrastructure and services, ensuring that Germany has access to state-of-the-art telecommunications technology.

Global Reach:

O2's influence extends beyond Germany, making it a vital player in the global telecommunications arena. The company's presence spans multiple countries, contributing to global connectivity.

Customer-Centric Approach:

O2 is known for its customer-centric approach. Their services are designed not only for quality but are also tailored to meet the unique needs of a diverse customer base.

Driving Digital Progress:

O2 is a driving force in Germany's digital progress. The company is committed to providing digital access to individuals and businesses, advancing Germany's connectivity in the digital era.

O2 Germany has significantly influenced the telecommunications industry in Germany. Through a comprehensive range of services, a dedication to innovation, and a focus on customer satisfaction, O2 has transformed how Germans communicate and access the internet. As a leading global player, O2 continues to shape the future of telecommunications, both in Germany and on the global stage.

Plans :

  • O2 Mobile S 4GB+: 4GB mobile data, 1GB annual increase, 4G/5G up to 300 Mbit/s, unlimited calls and messages, EU roaming. App bonus: 10GB and 500MB extra/month. Cost: €22.99/month + €39.99 connection.

  • O2 Mobile S Boost 8GB+: 8GB mobile data, 1GB additional/year, 4G/5G up to 300 Mbit/s, unlimited calls and messages, EU roaming, up to 10 simultaneous devices. App bonus: 10GB and 500MB extra/month.

  • O2 Mobile L: Data: 70GB+ (10GB/year), 4G/5G up to 300 MBit/s, unlimited calls and SMS, EU roaming. App bonus: 10GB and 500MB/month free. Minimum term: 24 months. Monthly price: €42.99 + connection €39.99.

  • O2 Mobile L Boost: Data: 140GB+ (10GB/year), 4G/5G up to 300 MBit/s, unlimited calls and SMS, EU roaming. Minimum term: 24 months.

  • O2 Mobile Unlimited Max: Speed: 4G/5G (max. 500 MBit/s), unlimited calls and messages, EU roaming, up to 10 simultaneous devices.

  • O2 Mobile Unlimited Smart: Speed: 4G/5G (max. 15 MBit/s), unlimited calls and messages, EU roaming, up to 10 simultaneous devices. Monthly rate: €42.99. Connection: €39.99.

Prepaid :

  • O2 Prepaid S: No fixed contract. Includes €1 initial balance and €9.99 special price in the first 4 weeks. Basic fee of €12.99 for every 4 weeks. Includes unlimited talk and text on all German networks, then 9 ct/unit. 6 GB data volume with LTE Max. EU roaming included. Maximum speed of 225 Mbps.

  • O2 Prepaid M: No permanent contract. Includes €1 initial balance and €14.99 special price in the first 4 weeks. Basic fee of €17.99 for every 4 weeks. Includes unlimited talk and text on all German networks, then 9 ct/unit. 12 GB data volume with LTE Max. EU roaming included. Maximum speed of 225 Mbps.

  • O2 Prepaid L: No permanent contract. Includes €1 initial balance and €19.99 special price in the first 4 weeks. Basic fee of €22.99 for every 4 weeks. Includes unlimited talk and text on all German networks, then 9 ct/unit. 18 GB data volume with LTE Max. EU roaming included. Maximum speed of 225 Mbps.

  • O2 Prepaid Max: No fixed contract. 999 GB data volume with LTE Max. Unlimited calls and texts on all German networks. EU roaming included. Total cost control.


Company : Vodafone
Website :  Vodafone

Phone : 0800 444059 3065
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

Vodafone Germany - Expanding Possibilities with Connectivity

Experience unmatched connectivity with Vodafone Germany, a leading telecommunications company. With an extensive network, Vodafone delivers high-speed internet, mobile communication, and entertainment solutions to homes and businesses. Explore their offerings to enhance your digital experiences. Vodafone Germany, one of the country's foremost telecommunications providers, has played a pivotal role in elevating the standards of connectivity and communication in Germany. This article explores the significant contributions made by Vodafone Germany to the nation's telecommunications sector.

A Trusted Telecommunications Partner:

Vodafone Germany has established itself as a trusted telecommunications partner, offering a wide range of services to individuals, households, and businesses across the nation.

Mobile Excellence:

At the heart of Vodafone's offerings is its mobile services, designed to keep Germany connected efficiently. Vodafone provides extensive mobile coverage to ensure that no matter where you are in Germany, you can rely on their network.

High-Speed Internet:

Vodafone Germany's high-speed internet services empower individuals and businesses with fast, reliable internet connections. They offer various packages to cater to different speed and data needs, making digital experiences seamless.

Technological Advancements:

Vodafone is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the telecommunications industry. The company invests in cutting-edge infrastructure and services to ensure that Germans have access to state-of-the-art telecommunications technology.

Global Footprint:

While deeply rooted in Germany, Vodafone is part of a global telecommunications network, contributing to worldwide connectivity. Their global presence underscores their commitment to connecting people across borders.

Customer-Centric Approach:

Vodafone's customer-centric approach is reflected in its services, designed for both quality and customization. They understand the diverse needs of their customers and offer solutions tailored to each.

Driving Digital Transformation:

Vodafone Germany is actively driving the digital transformation in the country. By providing digital access and fostering innovation, they are playing a crucial role in advancing Germany's connectivity in the digital era.

Vodafone Germany has been instrumental in shaping the telecommunications industry in Germany. With a comprehensive array of services, a focus on innovation, and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, Vodafone has redefined how Germans connect and communicate. As a prominent global player, Vodafone continues to lead the charge in defining the future of telecommunications, not only in Germany but on the global stage as well.

Plans :

  • GigaMobil XS with 5G plan without smartphone: Monthly cost: €29.00. No connection price. Contract duration of 24 months.

  • GigaMobil S with 24GB plan without smartphone: Monthly cost: €39.00. No connection price. Contract duration of 24 months.

  • GigaMobil M plan with 50GB without smartphone: Monthly cost: €49.00. No connection price. Contract term of 24 months.

  • GigaMobil XL with unlimited GB without smartphone: Monthly cost: €79.00. No connection price. Contract term of 24 months.

Prepaid :

  • Ilimitado Seguro: Volumen de datos ilimitado en red Vodafone 4G/LTE Max y 5G. Tarifa plana de teléfono y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. 500 minutos/SMS a otras redes de la UE. Roaming UE incluido. 79,99 € cada 4 semanas.

  • CallYa Digital: 30GB (6 meses) luego 15GB de volumen de datos en red Vodafone 4G/LTE Max y 5G. Tarifa plana de teléfono y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. Roaming UE incluido. 20€ cada 4 semanas.

  • CallYa Allnet Flat M: 12GB (6 meses) luego 6GB de volumen de datos en red Vodafone 4G/LTE Max y 5G. Tarifa plana de teléfono y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. 500 minutos/SMS a otras redes de la UE. Roaming UE incluido. 14,99 € cada 4 semanas.

  • CallYa Allnet Flat S: 6GB (6 meses) luego 3GB de volumen de datos en red Vodafone 4G/LTE Max y 5G. Tarifa plana de teléfono y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. 200 minutos/SMS a otras redes de la UE. Roaming UE incluido. 9,99 € cada 4 semanas.

  • CallYa Basic: 2GB (6 meses) luego 1GB de volumen de datos en red Vodafone 4G/LTE Max y 5G. Tarifa plana de teléfono y SMS a red Vodafone. 50 minutos/SMS a otras redes de la UE. Roaming UE incluido. 4,99 € cada 4 semanas.

  • CallYa Classic: Pago por uso sin tarifa básica. 3 céntimos por MB de datos en red Vodafone 4G/LTE Max y 5G. 9 céntimos por minuto/SMS en todas las redes alemanas. Roaming UE incluido. Paga solo por el uso.


Company : NetCologne
Website :  NetCologne

Phone : 0221 2222 - 800
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NetCologne - Elevating Local Connectivity

NetCologne is your local partner for elevating connectivity in Germany. Providing high-speed internet, phone, and TV services, NetCologne is committed to delivering reliable and fast connections tailored to the needs of local communities. Discover their personalized solutions and exceptional customer support. NetCologne, a prominent player in Germany's telecommunications landscape, has been instrumental in transforming how Germans connect and communicate. This article delves into the significant role played by NetCologne in advancing the country's telecommunications sector.

Trusted Telecommunications Provider:

NetCologne has earned its reputation as a trusted telecommunications provider, offering a diverse range of services to cater to the unique needs of individuals, households, and businesses across Germany.

Fiber-Optic Pioneers:

NetCologne is at the forefront of fiber-optic technology in Germany. They've significantly expanded their fiber-optic network, providing high-speed internet and data services that meet the growing demand for fast and reliable connectivity.

High-Speed Internet:

NetCologne's high-speed internet offerings have been a game-changer, providing Germans with lightning-fast internet connections. They offer a variety of packages to suit different speed and data requirements, enhancing the digital experiences of their customers.

Telecom Infrastructure:

With substantial investments in infrastructure, NetCologne has bolstered Germany's telecommunications backbone. Their commitment to infrastructure development has paved the way for robust connectivity across the nation.

Residential and Business Solutions:

NetCologne understands the unique requirements of both residential and business customers. They offer tailor-made solutions designed to provide quality and reliability for households and companies alike.

Driving Digital Innovation:

As a forward-thinking telecommunications provider, NetCologne is at the forefront of digital innovation. They are actively contributing to the digital transformation of Germany by providing cutting-edge services and fostering technological advancement.

Community Engagement:

NetCologne actively engages with the communities they serve. Through initiatives and partnerships, they contribute to the social and economic development of the regions in which they operate.

NetCologne's pivotal role in shaping Germany's telecommunications sector cannot be overstated. Their commitment to cutting-edge technology, customer-centric solutions, and the digital transformation of the nation underscores their influence. As Germany's telecommunications landscape continues to evolve, NetCologne remains a key player, dedicated to delivering superior connectivity and communication solutions to its customers.

Plans :

  • NetSpeed 50: Download up to 50 Mbit/s. Upload of up to 10 Mbit/s. Monthly cost: €29.95. Contract term of 1 month. €70 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 100: Download up to 100 Mbit/s. Upload of up to 40 Mbit/s. Monthly cost: €36.95. Contract term of 1 month. €140 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 250: Download up to 250 Mbit/s. Upload of up to 50 Mbit/s. Monthly cost: €39.95. Contract term of 1 month. €170 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 500: Download up to 500 Mbit/s. Upload of up to 50 Mbit/s. Monthly cost: €49.95. Contract term of 1 month. €220 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 1000: Download up to 1000 Mbit/s. Upload of up to 100 Mbit/s. Monthly cost: €69.95. Contract term of 1 month. €270 bonus included!

Prepaid :

  • Combo pack 100: Internet at flat speeds of up to 100 Mbit/s. Flat telephone rate. Monthly cost: €39.95. Continuous contract term. €160 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 100: Flat telephony rate. Recommended router: FRITZ!Box 7590. More information on the tariff page.

  • Combo pack 250: Internet at flat speeds of up to 250 Mbit/s. Flat telephone rate. Monthly cost: €42.95. Continuous contract term. €190 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 250: Flat telephony rate. Recommended router: FRITZ!Box 7590. More information on the tariff page.

  • Combo pack 500: Internet at flat speeds of up to 500 Mbit/s. Flat telephone rate. Monthly cost: €52.95. Continuous contract term. €240 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 500: Flat telephony rate. Recommended router: FRITZ!Box 7590. More information on the tariff page.

  • Combo pack 1000: Internet at flat speeds of up to 1000 Mbit/s. Flat telephone rate. Monthly cost: €72.95. Continuous contract term. €290 bonus included!

  • NetSpeed 1000: Flat telephony rate. Recommended router: FRITZ!Box 7590. More information on the tariff page.


Company : Osnatel
Website :

Phone : 0541 6000-5555
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Osnatel - Connecting Communities with Quality Services

Osnatel is dedicated to connecting communities in Germany with quality telecommunication services. Offering a range of internet, phone, and TV options, Osnatel ensures reliable connectivity and exceptional customer satisfaction. Experience their commitment to enhancing local communication. Osnatel, a renowned telecommunications company in Germany, has played a vital role in revolutionizing the telecommunications landscape in the country. This article explores the significant contributions of Osnatel in advancing the German telecommunications sector.

Trusted Telecommunications Provider:

Osnatel has firmly established itself as a trusted telecommunications provider, offering a wide array of services designed to cater to the unique needs of individuals, households, and businesses throughout Germany.

High-Quality Fiber Network:

Osnatel boasts a high-quality fiber-optic network that has expanded significantly, delivering fast and reliable internet and data services. This robust infrastructure has addressed the growing demand for high-speed connectivity.

High-Speed Internet:

Osnatel's high-speed internet offerings have transformed the digital experiences of their customers. They provide various packages tailored to different speed and data requirements, ensuring that users enjoy a seamless online experience.

Telecom Infrastructure:

Through substantial investments in telecommunications infrastructure, Osnatel has played a pivotal role in strengthening Germany's telecom backbone. Their commitment to infrastructure development has been instrumental in ensuring robust connectivity across the nation.

Residential and Business Solutions:

Osnatel comprehends the distinct needs of both residential and business customers. They offer customized solutions that prioritize quality and reliability, benefiting households and enterprises alike.

Driving Technological Advancements:

Osnatel is at the forefront of driving technological advancements in Germany's telecommunications sector. Their active participation in digital transformation initiatives and the provision of cutting-edge services contribute to the nation's technological progress.

Community Involvement:

Osnatel is actively engaged with the communities it serves. Through various initiatives and partnerships, the company makes substantial contributions to the social and economic development of the regions within its operational footprint.

The influence of Osnatel on Germany's telecommunications landscape cannot be overstated. With a commitment to cutting-edge technology, customer-focused solutions, and the digital transformation of the nation, Osnatel remains a key player. As Germany's telecommunications sector continues to evolve, Osnatel stands firm in its dedication to providing top-notch connectivity and communication solutions to its customers.

Plans :

  • Mobile XS: 2 GB data volume. 100 free minutes. Network quality D. Monthly cost: €9.99.

  • Mobile S: 7 GB data volume. LTE (maximum 50 Mbit/s). Flat calls on all networks. Monthly cost: €9.99 the first month, €19.99 from the seventh month.

  • Mobile M: 15 GB data volume. LTE (maximum 50 Mbit/s). Flat rate for calls and SMS. Monthly cost: €12.49 the first month, €24.99 from the seventh month.

  • Mobile L: 25 GB data volume. Flat rate for calls and SMS. LTE (maximum 50 Mbit/s). Monthly cost: €19.99 the first month, €34.99 from the twenty-fifth month.

  • Mobile XL: Data volume of 40 GB. Flat rate for calls and SMS. LTE (maximum 100 Mbit/s). Monthly cost: €24.99 the first month, €34.99 from the twenty-fifth month.

  • Mobile Unlimited: Unlimited data volume. Flat rate for calls, SMS and data. 30GB EU roaming per month. Wifi calling available. Monthly cost: €39.99 the first month, €79.99 from the seventh month.

  • Mobile Data Go M: 5 GB data volume. Tablet data plan. Maximum LTE speed. Network quality D. Monthly cost: €9.99 the first month, €19.99 from the fourth month. Tariff without device.

Prepaid :

  • Einfach Mobil S: Unlimited Internet with 7 GB of data volume. Unlimited calls to all destinations. LTE (max. 50 Mbit/s) and Wifi Calling. Monthly cost: €9.99 (from the 7th month: €19.99).

  • Einfach Mobil M: Unlimited Internet with 15 GB of data volume. Unlimited calls and texts. LTE (max. 50 Mbit/s) and Wifi Calling. Monthly cost: €12.49 (from the 7th month: €24.99).

  • Mobil Unlimited: Unlimited data volume included. Unlimited talk, text and data. 30GB EU roaming per month. Wi-Fi Calling. Maximum LTE speed. Monthly cost: €39.99 (from the 7th month: €79.99).

  • Einfach Mobil Data Go M: Data power for mobile devices. Includes 5 GB of data volume. LTE provided by Vodafone. Monthly cost: €9.99 (from the 7th month: €19.99).


Company : Congstar
Website :  Congstar

Phone : (+49) 221 79700700
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Congstar - Your Path to Flexible Communication

Congstar, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, offers flexible communication solutions tailored to your needs. From affordable mobile plans to reliable internet options, Congstar provides seamless connectivity and customer-focused services. Explore their range of options for convenient communication. Congstar, a prominent telecommunications company in Germany, has been instrumental in enhancing the country's communication landscape. This article delves into Congstar's significant contributions to the German telecommunications industry.

A Trusted Telecommunications Provider:

Congstar has earned a reputation as a reliable telecommunications provider, offering a diverse range of services tailored to meet the distinct needs of individuals, households, and businesses across Germany.

Quality Network Infrastructure:

Congstar boasts a robust network infrastructure designed to deliver fast and dependable internet and data services. This state-of-the-art infrastructure effectively addresses the growing demand for high-speed connectivity.

High-Speed Internet:

Congstar's high-speed internet offerings have revolutionized the online experiences of their customers. They offer a variety of packages, each customized to cater to different speed and data requirements, ensuring a seamless and efficient online experience.

Telecommunications Infrastructure:

Through significant investments in telecommunications infrastructure, Congstar has played a pivotal role in strengthening Germany's telecommunications backbone. Their dedication to infrastructure development ensures reliable connectivity nationwide.

Residential and Business Solutions:

Congstar understands the unique needs of both residential and business clients. They provide tailored solutions prioritizing quality and reliability, thus benefiting households and enterprises alike.

Driving Technological Advancements:

Congstar is at the forefront of driving technological advancements within Germany's telecommunications sector. Their active participation in digital transformation initiatives and the provision of cutting-edge services contribute significantly to the nation's technological progress.

Community Engagement:

Congstar is actively engaged with the communities it serves. Through various initiatives and partnerships, the company makes substantial contributions to the social and economic development of the regions within its operational footprint.

The impact of Congstar on Germany's telecommunications landscape is substantial. With a commitment to advanced technology, customer-centric solutions, and the digital transformation of the nation, Congstar remains a significant player. As Germany's telecommunications sector continues to evolve, Congstar remains dedicated to providing high-quality connectivity and communication solutions to its customers.

Plans :

  • Allnet Flat S with GB+: Volumen de datos: 4GB. Tarifa plana de llamadas y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. Costo: €12.00 mensuales

  • Allnet Flat S Extra with GB+: Volumen de datos: 8GB. Tarifa plana de llamadas y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. Costo: €17.00 mensuales

  • Allnet Flat M with GB+: Volumen de datos: 16GB. Tarifa plana de llamadas y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. Costo: €22.00 mensuales

  • Allnet Flat L with GB+: Volumen de datos: 24GB. Tarifa plana de llamadas y SMS en todas las redes alemanas. Costo: €27.00 mensuales

Prepaid :

  • Basic S: Data volume: 750MB. Maximum speed: up to 25 Mbit/s. 100 minutes of calls. 9 cents/SMS. Without contract. Cost: €5.00 every 4 weeks

  • Allnet M: Data volume: 6GB instead of 4GB. Maximum speed: up to 25 Mbit/s. Unlimited calls. Unlimited SMS. Without contract. Cost: €10.00 every 4 weeks

  • Allnet L: Data volume: 9GB instead of 6GB. Maximum speed: up to 25 Mbit/s. Unlimited calls. Unlimited SMS. Without contract. Cost: €15.00 every 4 weeks

  • Allnet XL: Data volume: 12GB instead of 10GB. Maximum speed: up to 25 Mbit/s. Unlimited calls. Unlimited SMS. Without contract. Cost: €20.00 every 4 weeks


Company : Freenet
Website :  Freenet

Phone : (+49) 40 555541441
Social Networks Facebook Instagram Youtube

Freenet AG - Diversified Communication Solutions

Freenet AG stands as a diversified telecommunications company in Germany. Providing mobile, internet, and TV services, Freenet AG caters to various communication needs. Discover their comprehensive offerings designed to simplify and enhance your digital experiences.


Company : Drillisch
Website :  Drillisch

Phone : (+49)721 9600 / 7219605727
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

1&1 Drillisch - Unleashing Connectivity and Value

Discover 1&1 Drillisch, a telecommunications company dedicated to unleashing connectivity and value. With competitive packages for mobile and internet services, 1&1 Drillisch ensures users in Germany access quality communication solutions that fit their lifestyle. Explore their offerings for reliable and affordable connectivity.


Company : BNetzA
Website :  BNetzA

Phone : 0228 14 15 16
Social Networks Twitter Youtube

BNetzA: Regulation of the Telecommunications Landscape in Germany

Explore the role of BNetzA (Bundesnetzagentur) in regulating and supervising Germany's telecommunications landscape. As a regulatory authority, BNetzA ensures fair competition, quality services, and consumer protection within the telecommunications sector. Discover how BNetzA contributes to creating a dynamic and innovative communication environment in Germany.

The Federal Network Office (Bundesnetzagentur), also known as BNetzA, plays a key role in regulating telecommunications in Germany. With a clear mandate and rich history, BNetzA has been working tirelessly to ensure competition, quality of services, and advancement of digital infrastructure in the country.

Regulation of the Radiofrequency Spectrum:

One of the key aspects of BNetzA's work is the management of the radio frequency spectrum. This involves the allocation and licensing of frequencies to ensure that wireless communications, such as mobile telephony, broadcasting, and data transmission, operate efficiently and without interference. The agency strives to balance the demand for spectrum with the need to avoid congestion and conflict.

Guarantee of Competence and Quality of Services:

BNetzA works to promote competition in the telecommunications market, which benefits consumers by offering them more choices and more competitive rates. In addition, the agency monitors the quality of telecommunications services and ensures that operators meet required quality standards.

Promotion of Digital Infrastructure:

Digital infrastructure is essential for Germany's future, and BNetzA plays an essential role in its development. The agency is working on the expansion of broadband networks and the implementation of 5G technology throughout the country. These efforts are crucial to improving connectivity, boosting the digital economy, and fostering innovation.

BNetzA plays a vital role in the regulation of telecommunications in Germany. Through its work in spectrum management, promoting competition, and improving digital infrastructure, the agency contributes significantly to development and innovation in the communications sector in the country.

Phones in Germany

Phones in Germany . (49) Find the best mobile phone companies in Germany. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. DE List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Germany : Baden-Wurttemberg, Bayern, Bremen, Hamburg, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thuringen, Berlin

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Germany :

Deutsche Telekom









What is the best mobile phone company in Germany?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Germany.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Germany offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Germany 49 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
Germany find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
DE Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
White Pages
Germany Find address and telephones numbers.
49 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. DEU
Search in Germany :


iso2 : DE
iso3 : DEU
Country : Germany
Lat : 51.165691
Long : 10.451526
Population : 83783945
Latitude: 51.165691, Longitude: 10.451526, ISO: Germany (DE) - Population : 83783945

ISO-Numeric : 276
Country : Germany
Capital : Berlin
Area km2 : 357021
Population : 82927922
Continent : EU
Internet : .de
Currency Code : EUR
Currency Name : Euro
Phone : 49
Postal Code Format : #####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{5})$
Languages : de
Geo : 2921044
Neighbours countries : CH,PL,NL,DK,BE,CZ,LU,FR,AT
Phones in Germany
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Phone companies in Germany
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
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Mobile Phones
in Germany. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Germany Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Germany
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- How to call to Germany? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Germany
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can I find a phone number in Germany ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
Maps of Germany - Location and Map of Germany. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones in Germany - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Germany. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
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