


In the last years, landline usage started to drop within Romania, as the mobile phones market was growing fast. Mobile phone companies were running out of numbers, as both the main mobile companies claimed millions upon millions of subscribers. Also, as the imminent joining of the EU, was going to cause the state-owned company to lose its landline monopoly, a reform was introduced in 2002. This modified the system to a 10 digits system, of which the first is always a national access code 0 . The first 4 digits, including the leading 0 , give the area code, in the format 0ZYX , where X, Y are digits from 0 to 9 and Z is a digit from 2 to 9. The geographic area codes for Bucharest are 0 Z 1, with a digit less than all the other area codes and an extra digit to the local number. For example, the Romtelecom area code for Bucharest is 021-xxx-xxxx , and for Neamţ County is 0233-xxx-xxx .The Z digit gives the type of the area code:


Web Site
Landline - Romania - Europe Phones
Landline - Romania - Europe Phones
Landline Europe
Landline 2024
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